Imagine #10-Stefan

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You get hurt and he takes care of you:

You were on your nightly walk in the woods when you heard a branch snap behinds you. You quickly turned around to see nothing there so you kept walking.
About 5 minutes later you heard another branch snap but this time it was in front of you to the left. You started walking faster but slightly to the right then someone grabbed you and slammed you against a tree, holding you by the throat.

"Hello love." He said in his infamous British accent.

"K-klaus." Was all you could say before he vervained you and you passed out.

"Where is she Klaus!" You heard the voice of Stefan boom through the house or wherever you were. You felt so weak and tired all you wanted to do was sleep, your neck hurt like hell and everything else hurt because of vervain you were guessing.

"Ah, Stefan here to save the lovely y/n I see." Klaus said in another room but you heard him with your vampire hearing.

"Klaus where is she!" He yelled

"St-Stefan." You whispered, then in two seconds Stefan was right in front of you.

"Hey baby are you ok did he hurt you?" He asked with worry in his voice.

"I'm fine." You whimpered as he touched your cheek

"No, no your not ok let's get you out of here." He said as he started to untie the ropes holding you to the chair. After he took them off he picked you up bridal style and with his vamp speed rushed the two of you out of the house.

When he got back to the Salvatore mansion he gently placed you down on his bed and covered you with blankets then giving you a kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you for saving me." You said to Stefan who was taking his shirt off then climbing in the bed with you.

"Maybe you should get different clothes on." He said looking down at your bloody clothes. You giggled then agreed, he then handed you one of his shirts and helped you get undressed. Then placed you back in the bed and pulled you to his chest.

"I'm sorry I let this happen to you." He said kissing your head.

"It's not your fault I should have been more careful." You said as your eyes began to feel heavy.

"I love you y/n." He said right before you fell into a deep sleep.

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