Imagine#19- Kol

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You two have a lazy day doing fun stuff:

"Kol!" You yelled at your boyfriend, he had just taken your phone and hid it somewhere.

"Yes darling." He said popping up behind you

"Give. It. Back." You said frustrated

"Uhm, I don't think that's how the game works." He smirked

"Fine." You said walking into the kitchen, him following close behind.

"What, are you doing?" He asked burrowing his eyebrows

"I'm baking! Because I have nothing better to do." You said getting the ingredients out

"This should be good." He said hopping up on the counter.

"Whatever." You snapped, him laughing at you.

You took some ingredients out to make a cake, you reached up to get the flour, baking soda and sugar then in the fridge to get the eggs and milk.
You took the ingredients and out them into a bowl. As you were mixing it Kol started to get bored so he decided to have some fun. He hopped off the counter and stood beside you grabbing a fistful of flour.
You didn't see him pick up the flour. Then all of the sudden you were smacked in the face with a cloud of flour.

"KOL YOUR DEAD!" You said picking up a egg and slamming it on his head.

"My hair!" He whined. You smiled then grabbed some flour and rubbed it on his face.

"Pay back!" You yelled then started running through the house because he picked up a egg.
He quickly caught up to you and cracked the egg on your head, then he rubbed it in.

This went on for about an hour until you both were covered in baking ingredients, and so was the house.

"I need a shower." You whined and he smirked. "No" you said knowing what he was thinking.

"Darling I know you want to." He smirked

"Nope." You said walking to the bathroom.

After a half an hour shower you got out and got pyjamas on. You saw Kol standing in the dot frame.

"You made me wait out here, while you had a shower. I don't like you." He said walking sassily to the bathroom slamming the door.
You laughed then tried to find a movie.

All you could think about is how much you love Kol and how you never want to let him go.

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