Imagine#15- Kai

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You tell him something that might change your future:

You had just got home from the hospital, you were crying like you had just found out someone you loved died. You had to tell your fiancé, Kai, the news you had just heard, as it was still pounding on your scull trying to escape.

"Y/n? Is that you?" Kai yelled from upstairs.

'Shit.' You thought as you didn't think he was home yet

"Ya!" You yelled like you were fine

"Okay I'm just going into the shower I'll be down in 10 minutes, I love you!" He yelled as a wave of relief came over you, you had time to clean up your makeup.

"I love you too." You yelled running to the bathroom and locking the door and sliding down it crying more. He loves you now, but after you tell him, he won't.

You get up after 5 minutes of crying and take the access makeup off and just put face cream on Instead of your makeup.

"Y/n?" Kai said knocking on the door.

"I'll be right out!" You said jumping when he knocked cause you weren't expecting it.
You unlocked the door and stepped out.

"Hey baby." He said pulling you into a hug and kissing your forehead, then he pulled away and kissed your lips.

"Hi." You fake smiled.

"What's wrong?" He said worriedly

"Uhm," You said as you started to tear up, "i need to talk to you about something."

"Of course baby, what is it."

"Uhm, I went to the doctors today, because I thought I was pregnant," you stopped to see his reaction, and his face lit up, you could see it, "turns out, that i was wrong." And that's when you lost it, you couldn't keep the tears in anymore, and collapsed into his arms sobbing.

"It's okay, shhh, it's okay." He said holding you in his arms tight.

"No it's not, cause not only am i not carrying a baby, I can't have children!" You said looking up at him with sad in your eyes.

"Well since we're sharing, I can't either, woah that's good to get off my chest." He smiled at you.

You laughed then let go of him.

"I'm serious, the doctors told me I can't have children, and I would understand if you wanted to be with someone who can give you what you want." You said looking down letting a couple tears roll down your cheeks.

"Hey," he said softly and pulling your chin up with his hand,"I don't want anything but you, there's other options, like adoption."


"Yes, I would do anything for you, cause I love you." He said kissing you.

"I love you too!"

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