Preference #6

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How you guys react when you see a spider:

Damon: You scream and he vamp speeds into the room and asks what's wrong, you tell him there's a spider and you demand him to kill it and when he kills it he ends up trowing the dead spider at you.

Stefan: You guys didn't have that big of a fear of spiders but when you saw one you would tell him to kill it then he would say no and for you to kill it, you guys argued like that until he eventually got up and killed it.

Klaus: He would speed to where you were when he would hear you scream for him to come to you, he would ask what's wrong and you would scream for him to kill the spider he would usually roll his eyes at your childish behaviour and go up to the spider and kill it then flush it down the toilet.

Elijah: You didn't have a big fear of them so you would usually kill it yourself and then put it on Elijah's suit for him to find later, you got this idea from hanging out with Kol too much

Kol: you both were petrified of them so what would usually happen was you two were screaming at each other to kill it but neither of you would do it so you would both take shoes and throw it at the place the spider was at but you would stand far enough away so the spider couldn't 'kill you'

Enzo: He would let the damn thing crawl on him, when he did this he would chase after you with it on him and eventually if he didn't stop you would end up leaving the house and running to Damon and Stefan's house

Tyler: He would usually just kill it and throw it out and roll his eyes at you while you were curled up in a ball

Jeremy: He was scared of them too so you guys would take a shoe and throw it at each other because nobody wanted to kill it eventually someone who was in the house (like Elena) would have to go kill It for you guys.

Matt:He was the only one scared of them, you had a slight fear but not to big of one so he would always make you kill it if he ever saw one.

Alaric: You were petrified of them so you would throw a shoe at his head and tell him to kill it.

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