Imagine #7- Jeremy

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He had to watch Klaus torture you then turn you into a hybrid:

You had been a vampire for over 400 years, you had always been close to the Salvatore family and the Gilbert family and most importantly the Mikaelson family. Actually Kol and Rebekah were two of your closest friends, but Klaus and you had always had this love hate relationship. So when Jeremy killed Kol Klaus got really pissed off and took it out on you, because little did you know he a huge crush on you and Klaus knew you were his weakness.

"K-klaus? P-please d-don't-ahhhhhhh!" You screamed as one of Klaus' hybrids poured vervain on you.

"Y/n? Don't worry I'll get-" you heard Jeremy whisper before it went silent.

"Klaus what did you do?" You cried. Suddenly the door bursts open and in walks Klaus pulling Jeremy behind him, then placing him in the chair in front of you and tying his hands behind his back.

"Y/n, you were close to Kol, so why aren't you mad at your boyfriend for killing him?" Klaus asked walking closer to you.

"Because Kol was trying to kill him, I do wish that he wouldn't had killed him but it's over with now. And I was mad at him." You scowled at him, you weren't sure what he was going to do to you but you knew it was going to be torturous.

He called in a witch, I'm guessing to do some sort of spell on me. She started blabbing some words then I felt a sharp pain go through my whole body

"AHHHHHH!" You screamed, the pain was horrid it hurt so bad. Then you looked at the door that opened and Klaus walked in with a man, you thought he was human but you were wrong. He was a werewolf. Klaus but into his wrist and shoved it into your move and forced you to drink, then he pulled him away. You were crying because the pain was too much, suddenly the witch got louder with her words then everything went black.

You awoke to excruciating pain in your mouth and neck. You looked around to see Jeremy sitting there asleep with tear-stained cheeks. All the pain and emotions that flowed through your body pushed you over your limit and you started to sob.

"Y/n?Y/N!" He whispered then yelled, you fought to untie the ropes that tied your hands together and eventually got them untied and ran over to him. You took his head in your hands and rubbed his cheeks.

"I'm ok I'm fine don't worry." You rambled pulling him into a hug.

"H-he turned y-you into a-a" he stuttered.

"Sh sh its ok I'm here now," you said then remembering what he had just said" wait what did you say about turning me?" You asked

"H-he- uh um he turned you into a hybrid." He said looking away from your eyes. You didn't know what to do so you sat there with no emotions going through you at all, you felt empty, you felt useless and unable to speak or move.

"Y/n?" He asked looking down at you.

You looked up and asked "Y-yes?"

"Uh- could you untie me?" He asked giving you a slight smile. You smiled then looked down and untied his hands. And instantly you were pulled into a hug, a huge hug.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't save you." He said looking at the floor still hugging you. You pulled away and looked at him with tears in your eyes.

"Jer, it's not your fault and don't ever think that it is." You said pulling him into another hug.

"Let's get out of here." He said kissing you in the lips then placing a arm around your waist and then you two walked out. The pain was still there you just didn't want to show it when Jeremy was around so you held it in. But you didn't think that this was ok and we're going to plan to get Klaus back.

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