Chapter 3

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Jacob- Lets spam her!

Weston- daughterrrr!

Ariel- Macyyy

Jonas- Macy baby (;

Nathan- Mace

Mark- Macy

Zach- Macy


Me- Im up im up wtf?

Mark- Yay

Jacob- Mark likes you

Brandon- ^^

Mark- As a friend 😊

Weston- Son in law?

Mark- Weston stfu

Me- 🙄

Jacob- When Mace gets friend zoned

Weston- OMG AJKDJSJJAKJDS!!!1!!1!1!1

Mario- Just date already asfksleoxkm


I left the group. I might or might not like Mark but this whole thing is getting to me. I don't know how, but it is. Of course, I'll probably never have the guts to admit that I like him because I'm just gonna end up getting turned down, and who wants that? My phone buzzed and it was a message from Mark.


Private message with Mark

Mark- You okay?

Me- I'm fine

Mark- Can i add you back in the group?

Me- ... Sure

Mark- If theres anything you ever wanna talk about, im here for you ❤️

Me- Thanks Mark 😊💕


That's definitely something a friend would say. Askfljshakd.


Mark has added you

Weston- You good daughter?

Me- Mhmm. Whatd i miss?

Jacob- WELL uh..

Nathan- You missed nothing!

Hunter- Aldlsjhdjis I really wanna tell her 😫

Me- Tell me what...

Mark- Theyre just being weird 🙄

Ariel- CHANGING THE SUBJECT! Macy you should go live 🤓 And we can all watch!

Jonas- Im in 👀

Hunter- ^^

Zach- ^^

Nathan- ^^

Brandon- ^^^

Mark- ^^

Jacob- ^^

Me- Okay 😂 Ill be live in 5?


Me- Ofc dad 😂


I got my laptop out and went on YouNow. I took a picture and was live.

"Hello! My names Macy Lawley." I smiled at the camera. I saw Weston was watching and laughed, "Hi dad!" All of a sudden, hundreds of people were watching. Oh god. I saw comments that said 'Westons in the guest' so I went and looked through and it didn't take long to find him cause not many people were waiting. I clicked on him and he popped up on the screen.

"OH MY DOG YOUR SO GROWN UP!" He was jumping around. I laughed, "Calm downnnn!" The comments were blowing up with 'Are you dating?' I shook my head, "NOO were not dating, isn't it obvious? He's my dad." Weston nodded his head like an insane person agreeing with me.

"So Macy, question 1. Where are you from?"

I sighed, "Story time! I was born in a little town in Virginia but after both my parents left me and my siblings, I moved to Los Angeles with my older brother and a roommate of his. He's like another brother to me honestly and I really like it here, but I do miss my parents even though they practically ditched us."

"Oh, UMMMMM, I'm sorry Macy." Weston looked down. I laughed, "Wessy its fine. It was a long time ago and I'm way over it." He looked up smiling.

We continued to ask each other questions. We laughed a lot. Weston is super hilarious!

"Okay, Im gonna get off and watch Netflix Weston so just text me," I laughed. He nodded and crinkled his nose, "BYE DAUGHTER NICE TALKING!" I waved and dropped him. "Well, uh, thanks for watching? I don't really know how to do this, ummm byeee!" and I was off.


Weston- Lit 😜☺️😏🌞🌚😍😊😜😉😋

Mark- Honestly 😂

Me- Ill be watching Netflix. Ah bye!

Jacob- What part of LA do you live in? Im in LA right now 😨

Me- OMG I LIVE IN *street in LA*

Jacob- No way were legit gonna pass by there today 😱 Pm your address!



Private message with Jacob

Me- *address*

Jacob- Cool beans, ill be there around 2 😝

Me- Cant wait Rolf 😂


I looked at the time. I had around 3 hours till he'd be here. I was still in my pajamas so I decided to change and get ready.


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