Chapter 17

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Macys P.O.V.

After the whole park scenario, we went back to our hotel. Once we stepped into the lobby, we were bombarded with girls.

"MARK IS SHE REALLY YOUR GIRLFRIEND?" Someone in the crowd shouted. Most of the other girls were just screaming and most of them went and tackled Jacob cause, ha, fangirls will be fangirls (legit me).

Mark put one of his arms around my waist and tried to lead me through the crowd. A girl got Marks other arm, "Why'd you leave us? Don't you love us?" Everyone started to circle around me Mark and the girl waiting for a response. He let me go.

"Of course I love you guys. I had to leave because I had to take care of Macy." Mark said, "Can you guys let her go to her room? She needs some rest." People started to 'awe' because of his sweetness towards me. They made an opening that lead to the elevator. I looked at Mark and kinda told him goodbye with my eyes. I don't know if he got it but oh well. I walked to the elevator and went to my room. I fell asleep right away, gosh, Mark was right. I did need some rest.


Mark's P.O.V.

The supporters started asking all of us for pictures so we did. I was taking pictures with this one girl when she said, "Im so glad I have Bryce's tweet notifications on."


"Yeah. He tweeted about all of you guys being in this hotel. Im pretty sure its still up." She gave me a hug and walked away. I took out my phone and went to Bryces profile. I read the tweet he posted 26 minutes ago.

//Guys, you should really go see Weston and his little friends at *hotel*. Marks there to. go seem him since he left yall today for that crusty chick.//

Crusty chick? What a fucking asshole. I went to the groupchat.


Mark- Wes, Bryce had tweeted our hotel. Ig for what you did earlier.

Weston- righttt. Well its cool this is fun LETS TWEET HIM THANKS



Bryce is an ungrateful poop. He thinks this is revenge? Lol thanks bud we actually love this (:


Everyone had tweeted about Bryce. He got a ton of hate, but thats his own fault.

After meeting everyone, we left up to our rooms. Before I went to my room I went to go check up on Macy.

I knocked on her door and the door knob jiggled a few seconds later then opened.

"Hi babe. You okay?"

"Yeah, can't really sleep though.." She said rubbing her eye with her hand.

I gave her a hug. "Can you cuddle me to sleep?" She asked as we hugged.

"Of course. I was waiting for you to ask," I chuckled. She got my hand with her left hand and closed then locked the door with her right. She dragged her feet to the bed dragging me along with her. She let go of my hand and got under the covers turning off the lamp by her bed. I crawled over her because I didn't feel like going around the bed. I laid beside her and cuddled up close to her. She was so warm. This felt so right.

"Thank you," she said in a whispered, tired tone.

"Anything for you. Good night." I said kissing the back of her head. My phone kept going off but I didn't care. I didn't want to move. I wanted to stay close to her forever.


Macy's P.O.V.

I woke up and opened my eyes to see Mark right in front of me asleep. I pecked him on the lips and smiled as the side of his lips went up to a smile. His eyes opened to reveal those gorgeous blue eyes of his.

"Good morning, baby girl." He said in his raspy morning voice. God, can someone be more perfect?

"Yeah someone can. Im looking right at them," he said smiling. What? Oh poop. I said that out loud. I blushed and closed my eyes. He chuckled and got on top of me putting his hand on the bed by my sides. He winked at me then started kissing me. I let my hands run down his sides then back up. I heard the door knob jiggle then knocking, "Macy? You in there?" My eyes opened. Kian.

Mark got off me and looked around the room.

"Hide under the bed," I whispered. He nodded and got on the floor sliding underneath the bed.

"Sliding into them DMs like," I heard him whisper. I let out a little laugh then went to the door and opened it.

"Hey Kiki."

"Why were you laughing? And why are you smiling like that?" He asked looking past me then back to me.

"I doooon't eeeven knowww duuude."

"Are you drunk, Macy? Oh my god, I'm gonna kill you." He said trying to smell my breath.

"No you idiot! All I drank was coffee, sheesh," I lied. I wasn't drunk but I hadn't had coffee.

"Oh. Well that explains it. Me and Jc are going to the convention center now so if you need anything just text or call us, okay?" He said in a goofy tone. I laughed and nodded, "Yes sir, have fun!" He did a little wave then walked to the elevator.

I closed the door and locked it again. I laid on the floor beside the bed, "He's gone." Mark looked at me then held out his hand. I sighed then took it and pulled him out and up to his feet.

"Shall we get going?" He asked. I looked at my outfit, "I need to change. You should to," I laughed. He was wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

"Come on, take a pair of pants and I'll lend you one of my shirts in my room." I nodded and went over to my bag then picked out a random pair of pants. They were a light blue with little tears here and there.

We went to his room and he handed me a shirt then went into the bathroom to get ready. It was a nice shirt, it was white and had a sunset on it and the little Hollister bird on the side. I put it on and looked through his jackets, I found a nice hoodie that had 'duhitzmark and chill' on the front in white and the rest was red. I put my hair up into a messy bun and was done. Wait, "Mark, do you have eyeliner?"

"No," he said and chuckled through the door. Why did I even ask. The door opened and he hugged me, "You don't need makeup, you look gorgeous." I blushed. We pulled away and he looked at his hoodie I was wearing and smiled.

"Okay, lets goooo!" He said and took my hand walking me out the door and down the hall to the elevator.

Authors Note:
Dewd, 1165 words. Dang andjsjhcjsjn. I HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT!

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