Chapter 37

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Macys P.O.V.

"Jacob!" I tackled him in a hug, I felt a prick but just ignored it, "Oh my god, of course!"

"You just made me the happiest boy ever."

The prick moved to my back, "Ugh, ow."

"What?" He asked pulling away from the hug and looking at me. The prick was now at my waist.

"Is the rose real?" I said biting my lip.

He looked towards his hand and quickly moved the rose in his hand away from me and threw it next to the basket, "I'm so sorryy! Ugh."

I giggled, "It's fine." I wrapped my arms back around him again and smiled. I might be to young to say I know what love is, but, let me use McDonalds phrase, I'm lovin' this.


"No no no!" Jacob said grabbing my arms gently and stopping me from doing my eyeliner, "No make up."

"But I-"


"I just-"


"Just a-"

"Macy, you look gorgeous without it." He said and kissed my forehead, "Now hush and lets go."

I sighed, "Fiiiine!" I closed the lid thingy and got up. I got my phone from the top of my dresser and my black bag. We left my house and walked across the street to his. He opened the door then we went to this room where there was a camera set in front of a table with two chairs. I smiled and sat down in a seat, "So whats this video going to be about?"

"Well," he said going to the back of the room and bringing a box to the table, "We're going to be trying foreign candy."

"Oh, yum." I said smiling up at him.

"Indeed." He replied smiling back at me.

We decided to keep our relationship a secret. Not because we'd be embarrassed or anything, just because we'd thought it would be best. So, throughout the video, we didn't make it obvious. It was quiet easy.

The video was pretty lit if you ask me. Some of the candies tasted like complete shit though, how do they even bare that? I would move to a country with better candy so fast.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Text from Kian.


Private message with Bro Bro

Bro Bro- Where are you?

Macy- @ Jacobs, why?

Bro Bro- Ugh. Come home Mace.


I sighed, "I gotta go home." He looked up at me from his laptop.

"Aww, why?" He stuck his bottom lip out. I smiled and kissed his cheek, "I don't know. Kian texted me."

He nodded and got up from his desk chair. He hugged me then gave me a light kiss on my nose, "Bye love."

I left the house and made my way to my house. When I got inside, Kian was standing there with his arms crossed, "I don't want to find out your pregnant one day."

My eyes widened, "Kian, are you serious? What the hell."

"Your never home and your always with boys. I don't like that Mace."

"Those boys are my friends. They're also the only friends I have."

Kian bit his lip, "Whatever, just go to your room. I don't want you out as often, okay Mace? I just don't want you to get hurt."

I rolled my eyes as I made my way upstairs. They wouldn't hurt me.

I laid on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. So much fun.

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