Chapter 24

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Marks P.O.V.

"Markkk, what are you doing? Get off your phone!" Luna told me while shaking my arm and trying to get me to stand up from where I was sitting. We were currently on the streets and were walking around until I sat down on a little curb.

"Wait, I need to call Macy."

"Why? Are you two still a thing?" She asked looking down at me.

"Yes. Now shush."

"Why? She seems like such a bitch. You'd be better off with out her T-B-H." She said with a giggle at the end. I looked up at her full of hatred. She did not just call Macy a bitch.

"I'm leaving. Night."

"Mark nooo! I didn't mean it like that!" She said grabbing my arm trying to stop me as I was trying to walk away.

"Theres no other way of taking that, Luna."

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it," she was cradling my arm now. I pushed her away and walked.

As I was walking home, I tried to call Macy. No answer. "Ugh," I sighed. I went to our messages and decided to text her since she wouldn't answer my calls.


Private message with Macy

Mark- Macy, you should know how much I love you. I would NEVER cheat on you and I would NEVER EVER think of hurting you like that. You mean so much to me, okay? Please don't be mad. Trust me, I wouldnt cheat on you. I love you way to much to do that. Im sorry.


I put my phone in my pocket and ran the rest of the way home.


Macys P.O.V.

I got my phone back out of my pocket again after I heard my message notification go off. Mark. I sighed and slowly unlocked my phone. I read his message and a smile spread across my face. Im so stupid, why didn't i trust him?


Private message with Mark

Macy- No, im sorry. I love you sm. ❤️

Mark- I left her on the street alone bc she was being salty about me and you and i couldnt take it 😂❤️

Macy- Awe 😭😂


Jacob- Mace you good?

Macy- Im great 😂 Mark wasnt cheating, hes fine guyss!

Weston- k cuz i was about to go child on his touchy

Mario- Child?

Weston- like the child that was the cause of harambes death

Brandon- Oh.

Weston- yup!!!1!!1!

Mark- No chill 😂 I would never tho guys 😍❤️

Jonas- Lol i dare you

Mark- Dont start shit again Jonas.

Hunter- ^^

Jonas- Whatever.

Zach- Marcys so cute awww "I would never" awwww 😭😂

Nathan- Honestly 😂

Weston- this gc is so unlit today

Weston- ima go play roblox

Mario- Nah lets play Minecraft Weston 😨😋

Weston- which map? penis 69 or boobiez?

Mario- I hate your map names.

Weston- well make a map of ur own 🙄😒😤😫😣

Mario- K

Weston- but i did a new building in penis 69 and i want u to see it!1!!

Mario- Omg

Mario- I prefer not to see this.. "Building"

Weston- but i tried hard on it 😨😭😒😧👏🏿👏🏿

Ariel- Not even gonna ask.

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