Chapter 48

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Macys P.O.V.

I stared at the ceiling and let my mind wander. I can't do this to them. I love Mark but I don't think I would ever be able to break up with Jacob. I love Jacob but I love Mark and.. UGH! I need to make up my damn mind. I was deep in my thought and memories when there was a knock on my door.

"Its open."

The door opened and Kians head peaked in. "Morning!"

"Morning," I turned my head and looked at him. He was somewhat dressed as if he was going somewhere. "Busy day?"

"Eh. Corey invited us to the mall so your gonna be home alone. Just so you know." He said standing at the door still.

"He invited you? Thats nice. Doesn't sound like him."

He chuckled, "Well Jc owes him a new phone."

I nodded. I could use some getting out of my room, and its the mall, who wouldn't want to go?

"Can I go?"

He shrugged, "Yeah sure. Hurry though because Corey's already on his way."

I nodded and gave him a smile. He smiled back and closed my bedroom door. I jumped out of bed and ran to my closet. I picked out a pair of dark blue jeans with tears here and there and a black crop top. I did my make up then did two braids on my hair. I looked at my phone. I shrugged and left it there on my nightstand. I ran down the stairs, "Ready!"

No one was here. What if they left without me? Ugh.

"LETS GO THEY'RE ALREADY IN THE CAR!" Jc said running down the stairs. I jumped. I went to the door and stepped outside.

"BOO!" Both Corey and Kian yelled. I jumped, terrified. I rolled my eyes.

"Aww, I'm sorry Macy." Kian said hugging me. I laughed and hugged him back.

"I'm not." Corey said. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut the fuck up, Corey." Kian said letting me go.

We went to the car. I sat in the back and rolled my eyes at the sight of them rock paper scissoring who would drive. Corey lost so he would drive. You do NOT want to be in the same car that Corey's driving. He has terrible road rage, at least, thats how I remember it. Jc sat in the passenger seat next to Corey and Kian sat in the back with me. Jc was vloging the whole way.

"GET OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY! THE LIGHTS GREEN YOU DUMBASS!" Corey shouted and honked to the car in front of us. "YES I FUCKING SEE YOU," he opened his window and flicked off the car behind us. I sighed and looked out the window. Should have brought my headphones.

We got to the mall and they made their way to the apple store. I told Kian I'd be walking around. He gave me a credit card and told me he'd call when they were leaving.

"I left my phone at home.."

He sighed. "Okay, um.." he took out his phone and handed it to me, "When Jc calls, answer it and we'll meet up and leave then, good?"

"Good. Thanks Kiki!" I smiled. He smiled back and hugged me, "Be carful! Bye!"

I saw Zumiez and decided to go inside. I was looking at some Vans when I heard someone call my name. I turned and saw-


Authors Note:

HA KINDA CLIFFHANGER! Happy thanksgiving you guys 😋💕 I hope you have an amazing day! Enjoy your family, even if they're a pain in the rear. 😂 BUUUUT I think I might update later today as well. Ill try, no promises. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Bye, have a great day!

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