Chapter 32

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Macy's P.O.V.

I woke up to my phone going off. I rolled my eyes and picked it up to see it was a reminder. I rubbed my eyes and squinted. My mouth dropped and i put my phone down and ran to get changed. Todays Jacob's Birthday!

I put on light blue pants that had little tears here and there, a black crop top from adidas, then wrapped and black and red plaid around my waist. I got a black purse and stuffed my phone inside it then ran down the stairs and out the door.

I ran across the street and over to his house. I tried opening the door, but it was locked. I rung the doorbell and waited. After a few seconds, the doorknob started to jiggle and the door started opening slowly.

"HAPPY BIr-" I started to say about to hug the person opening the door but quickly stopped myself.

"Mark," I let my hands fall to my side slowly.

"Macy I-" he started to say but I pushed passed him stopping him from what he was about to say. I ran up the stairs and went into Jacobs room. He was sitting on his bed in front of the TV playing a game.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROLF!" I shouted running to him and tackling him with a hug.

"Thank you BUT MOVE CAUSE I DON'T WANNA DIE!" He said not taking his eyes off the TV.

I released him and sat beside him looking at him play his game.

"Have you seen?" He said still not taking his eyes off the TV.

"Seen what?"

"Wait, wheres Mark?"

"Right here," Mark said standing at the door.

I bit my lip and continued to watch the game. "Have you showed her Mark?" Jacob asked still playing his game.

"I tried. She never read the message though, she was probably to busy with Bryce," he replied.

"I don't wanna read any shit you text me anyways."

"Macy he-" Jacob started before Mark cut him off, "No Jacob. Let her be. Shes the one thats gonna get hurt."

"Bryce isn't going to hurt me," I said through my teeth.

"Thats what you say now."

I got up and looked Mark in the face, "Look, I came here to hang out with Jacob, not fucking argue with you."


"I'll talk to you later Mark," Jacob said looking at us and not the TV. Mark nodded then glanced at me before turning around and leaving.

I smiled lightly and sat by Jacob again. We decided to go to Chipotle to eat. We then went to Main Event. Then we went to the movies. And last but not least, we walked around the mall. It was an extremely fun day. I was gonna walk him home, but he insisted he walk me since he was going to Marks house after anyways.

"Thanks for today Mace. I had a great birthday with you," he smiled. I hugged him, "Im glad."

"But, Mace, theres been something me and Mark have been trying to tell you.."

"Jacob, ugh, I don't wanna hear it. Im not in the mood to talk about Mark. He was such a jerk this morning."

"Well, thats true but-"

"No no no, I don't wanna hear it. Happy birthday," I kissed him on the cheek, "and good night." His eyes widened, "Macy. Macy Lawley." I lifted my eyebrow, "That is my name, yes."

"I thought I knew that name."

"What are you talking about?"

"You were my neighbor in Virginia. We grew up together. We talked everyday." My eyes widened, "and then I left."

He gulped, "I-.. I fell in love with you. I fell in love with the way you use to always kiss my cheek like that when we said our goodbyes everyday. I told myself, the day you left, that I wouldn't ever forget that kiss."


Authors Note
ITS JACOBS BIRTHDAY AND HIS NEW SONGS OUT AND ITS AMAZING AND I LOVE IT AND ITS A HIT NOT A MISS aha, see what I did there? ANYYYYWAYS thanks for reading and thank you sooo much for 14k! ❤️

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