Chapter 16

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Is this happening? Is this SERIOUSLY happening?? I thought he liked me as a friend. Is this really really happening?

I pinched myself. Nothing changed. I heard a chuckle from Mark and the crowd behind him giggle.

"This isn't a joke, is it?" I said curious. Oh god, I'm so stupid! Obviously its a joke! I mean, he wants to make his supporters laugh so this is OBVIOUSLY a joke.

"No, Mace. This isn't a joke." Jacob said looking at me with a straight face. I looked at Mark and he nodded slowly, he looked nervous..

"Yes, of course I'll be your girlfriend Mark!" I tackled him in a hug. I thought he liked me as a friend, but the feelings were mutual thank god!

"Oh god, I thought you were gonna say no!" We broke the hug and Mark got my hand standing me up with him. He walked to the front of the stage where all the people were. Everyone was going insane clapping. Then bam. It hit me. No, like something seriously just hit me. I gulped.

"GET OFF THE STAGE, UGLY BITCH!" Someone shouted in the crowd. I looked at Mark who was already looking at me with a worried face. I got out of his grip and ran to the end of the stage and jumped off. I ran and ran and ran until I couldn't go anymore.


Mark's P.O.V.

I looked towards the crowd after she ran off. These are my supporters? THEY support me?

I looked over at Jacob. He nodded and ran in the direction Macy went. I looked back at the crowd and shook my head.

"Why the HELL would you do that? Who ever that was, I want you to leave right fucking now." No one moved. It was so quiet. I laughed a fake laugh, "You call yourself a supporter? Big thank you for everyone who ACTUALLY fucking cares. And a big fuck you to the rest," with that, I jumped off the stage and ran in the direction Macy and Jacob went leaving the crowd of people.


Weston- Macy are you okay? Where are you?

Hunter- Macy please respond. Were worried.

Mark- Jacob?? Anything?

Jacob- Call me


Still Mark's P.O.V.

I called Jacob right away.

"Find her?"

"Yeah, were at the park near the playground. Under the slide."

I hung up and ran as fast as I could looking out for a park. As soon as I found it, I ran straight to the slide.

"Macy? Jacob?" I looked under the slide. Jacob was comforting her in a hug, Macy crying in his arms.

"M- Mark," she stuttered out. I sat down beside her. She turned towards me getting out of Jacobs grip and cried into my chest. "Macy don't cry. Please stop crying," I lifted her head and wiped her tears away. God, I never ever want to see her like this again. Once is more than enough.

I looked at Jacob in that Go away glare. He nodded slowly and backed out of underneath the slide then walked away.

"Macy I'm so sorry about that. I didn't mean for that to happen," I rubbed her back lightly trying my best to comfort her.

"Its- Its not your fault Mark. It- It was true any- ways." She said in between sniffles. Does she actually believe shes ugly?

"How could someone so breath taking actually believe they're ugly? Baby, you're gorgeous. I don't ever want you to let others bring you down like this. That includes yourself," I kissed the top of her head, "They're just jealous."

She seemed to be more calmer. She moved so that she was looking right at me. Gosh, she really is beautiful. I bit my lip looking at her lips then back up to her eyes.

A smile played at her lips, she got closer to me and laid her lips on mine. I got her around the waist and pulled her closer to me and onto my lap not breaking the kiss. She ran her fingers through my hair. I let out a little chuckle through the kiss.

"AHEM!" Someone coughed. We immediately pulled away.

"We were worried sick BUT THATS NONE OF MY BUSINESS!" Weston said throwing his hands up in the air.

Macy stood up and I got up after her.

"Sorry, uh, I'm okay," Macy said looking at me and then to our group of friends. Everyone was there. You know, everyone from the groupchat.

Brandon walked up to me and held his hand up waiting for a high five. I looked at him confused.

"Get some!" He said still holding his hand up. I looked at Macy who was just looking at Brandon with disappointment. I laughed and shook my head at Brandon but gave him a slight wink.

"Don't think I didn't see that, Mark," Macy said giggling.

"You're so cute." I looked at her. She blushed. I tilted my head confused, "Oh did I just say that?" She laughed. Askfljshf.


Authors Note:
I posted three times today, be proud! Asfgkkhds okay thank you so much for reading! ❤️

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