Chapter 43

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Macys P.O.V.

"MACY! WHY IS THE DOOR LOCKED?!" I heard Kian yell from outside my bedroom door. I stretched and rolled my eyes. I got up and opened the door while rubbing my eyes, "You never have a problem with me locking my door."

"I- ugh whatever. He was at the door waiting for you to answer it." Jacob came out from around the corner and smiled lightly at me, "He said he's been there for hours.."

I glared at Jacob then smiled at him, since I didn't want Kian to suspect anything and go crazy with questions. Jacobs smile grew bigger, as if he thought I was over the whole issue. Kian looked at me then at Jacob, "Thats kinda rude Mace." Oh, if he knew what happened, he would be madder than I was.

"Thanks Kian." I responded. Kian stood there awkwardly then just walked away.

"Macy, I'm really REALLY sorry." Jacob said getting my hand and lifting it to his mouth, about to plant a kiss on it. I pulled my hand back just in time for him not to, "Kay." I turned around and went back in my room, about to close my door when Jacob put his foot in the way of the door.

"Macy, please just talk to me. I can't deal with you being mad at me. It was an accident and I didn't mean to do it; I would take it back in an instant. Please, please just forgive me.." I looked him in the eyes and saw that they were pink.

"I'll forgive you on only one condition," I smirked.


"You buy me as much Taco Bell as I want in one sitting."

He chuckled, "Deal."

He called an Uber and we went to Taco Bell. I was hungry so I'm not even going to mention how much I ate. We went to the mall where he bought me a heart necklace even though I insisted he didn't, then we just went to the park. Overall, it was a pretty amazing day.

He walked me to my front door and smiled, "I'm really sorry Mace." He rubbed his thumb on my cheek and tucked the hair that was on the side of my face behind my ear.

"Its fine." I smiled. He smiled again, even bigger. I tip toed and laid a kiss on his lips.

He chuckled, "You're so short."

"I'm not short, you're just tall."

"Okay sure, bye love. Goodnight." He kissed me on the forehead and turned around making his way home.

"Night." I smiled and went inside.

Authors Note:

Little chapter 😛 I HOPE YOU ENJOYED AND THANK YOU FOR READING! thank you for almost 38k 🙊💕

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