Chapter 4

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I went up to my room and changed (Picture below). I put my hair up into a messy bun and put on some eyeliner and mascara.

I still had about 2 hours till Jacob would be here so I went back to watching Netflix

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I still had about 2 hours till Jacob would be here so I went back to watching Netflix.

The front door opened and revealed my brother and his roommate, Jc. They walked in and put bags down on the kitchen table.

"Someones actually up and dressed," He sat next to me on the couch putting his feet up. I rolled my eyes, "Ha ha. A friend of mines gonna come by at 2, that okay?"

"Mhmm," he hummed, "Were gonna be filming so just keep it down." I nodded and continued watching the TV.

After a while of watching TV, my phone buzzed so I took it out of my pocket and checked it.


Weston- Netflix and chill jacob?

Mark- You approve of your daughter doing that?

Weston- only with you Marky 😍😋😙😚😘😊❤️

Me- Dad no stop smh

Jacob- #Marcy

Jacob- But like im down the street from your house 😂

Me- Kay ill go outside

Weston- tbh i thought he was gonna say he was down for netflix and chill

Zach- Same Weston same

Jacob- Nah i ship Marcy to much for that


I got off the couch and walked outside. I sat on the driveway looking down the street waiting. Then all of a sudden a car honked from the opposite side I was looking down. My head bolted looking towards the car. The back car door opened and Jacob got out. I ran up to him and hugged him.

"Hi Jacob!" I said mid hug

He rubbed my back while he hugged me, "How are you more beautiful in person? It hurts." He pulled back and looked into my eyes then smiled. I blushed. He chuckled then walked to the driver. He handed the driver some money and the driver drove away.

"I thought you were just passing by?" After I said it I realized how rude it was. "Not that I don't want you to stay or anything!" He chuckled, "I wanted to spend more time with you and get to know you. See if you would be good to Mark and all." I rolled my eyes, "He so doesn't like me. But lets go inside."

We ran inside and up to my room. I jumped on the bed, "I win!" He ran through my bedroom door, "Thats only cause I was following you. I would have totally beat you."

"In your dreams!" We both laughed. We talked for a while and got to know each other.

"Yo we should go to the mall," He said looking at the wall. I looked at him, "Oooh can we?" He laughed, "Ill call an Uber." I nodded and got on my phone. There was a message from Mark I didn't see.


Private message with Mark

Mark- Did Jacob say anything about me? 👀

Me- No? Is there something i should know?

Mark- Nope. Wyd?

Me- Waiting for an Uber to the mall 😝

Mark- Have fun 😂 Wish i was there!

Me- Wish you were to


I turned my phone off and looked at Jacob. He looked up at me from his phone, "They're coming as we speak."

"Lets go outside and wait."

He shrugged and got up waiting for me to lead the way. We went down the stairs and to the room where my brother was filming. I waved my hand trying to get his attention and not ruin anything. He looked at me and said something to Jc then walked over to me.

"You didn't tell me your "friend" was a boy," He looked at Jacob then back at me. "He IS my friend. And JUST friends. Were going to the mall and I just wanted to tell you." He nodded at me then looked back at Jacob, "Take care of her." Jacob smiled and nodded. I sighed and grabbed Jacob by the arm and dragged him out the front door.

The Uber was there waiting in front so we hopped in.

"LA mall?" The driver said. Jacob nodded his head and smiled. And off we went.


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