Chapter 10

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We got to our hotel and were given rooms. My room was two rooms down from Jc's and one room down from Kian's. I put my stuff away in my room and enjoyed the view from the window. We were on the 5th floor so it was quite the view. I looked down and noticed there was a pool and decided I didn't have much to do. I looked through my suitcase, but found out I didn't pack a swimsuit. "Ugh," I sighed to myself. I shrugged and went out to the hallway, time to explore this hotel.

I went down to the first floor and walked around the lobby. It had a nice café, but it was only opened for breakfast. I shrugged and kept walking. I heard a loud bang then a scream. I walked towards the sounds. As I got closer I could hear laughter. I turned the corner and my jaw dropped.

"WESTON! MARIO!" I shouted while walking through the hotel gym door. They both immediately turned and looked at me, "MACY!" They shouted in unison. They jumped up from where they were sitting looking at a screen and ran to me engulfing me in a hug. "Can't. Breath." I said as loud as I could. They both let go, "Sorry." Weston got my arm and escorted me in front of the computer screen. Weston sat me down at sat on my right side while Mario sat on my left.

"Guys, this is Macy! My daughter!" Weston said pinching my cheeks. I slapped his hands away from my cheeks and laughed as he hid his hands behind himself. I looked at the computer, "Hi, follow my Instagram @ Macy x Lawley, and my YouNows the same, OH and so is my Twitter." I smiled and waved. "Really Mace?" Mario said rolling his eyes. I laughed, "Im just kidding. Don't follow me, I'm trash."

"ANYWAYS, we're gonna get off now an-" Weston was saying until Mario cut him off, "HOPE TO SEE YOU AT PLAYLIST TOMORROW!" Weston glared at Mario then looked back at the screen and smiled, "Bye ya!" And he ended the broadcast.

"Lets go swimming!" Mario said looking back and forth from me and Weston.

"I was going to but I forgot to pack a swimsuit."

"Same. ILL CALL AN UBER TO TAKE US TO THE MALL!" Weston shouted jumping up and running out of the gym room. I laughed and got up. Mario stood up and looked at me, "Glad to finally meet the mysterious Macy," He said smiling. "I'm not mysterious, but I'm glad to simply meet Mario Selman." He laughed and got the laptop. He walked over to the door and held it waiting for me to walk through it. "Thank you," I said as I walked through it. Why did I feel so awkward? We're friends!

Weston appeared out of no where, "The ubers outside! Lets gooo!" Mario rolled his eyes, "I need to go leave the laptop upstairs." Weston stuck his tongue out then said, "We'll tell him to wait for you." Mario looked down at his laptop then up at Weston, "Okay. You better!" I laughed, "I'll make sure he does." Mario nodded and walked towards the elevator.

I followed Weston outside to a car. He opened the back door and gestured for me to get in. I gave him a smile and got in scooting all the way to the corner. He got in and closed the door, "Hi Bob, uh, my friend will be here in a bit and then we can go." The guy nodded and messed with the radio.

"Is his name really Bob?" I asked Weston. Weston shrugged, "I honestly don't know, I forgot his name. If it isn't he didn't seem to mind me calling him it." I nodded smiling.

"We should just leave Mario here and go," Weston said looking down at his phone. I laughed. He looked up at me, "No I'm serious. He's taking forever." I shook my head. He looked outside of his window, "Oh never mind he's coming." He scooted closer to me and Mario got in. Then we were off to the mall.


Me- Meet up at the mall rn? 😋

Mark- Im down 😂

Jacob- Im still on the plane 😕☹️


Zach- Me and Ariel HAVE been here 😂 We'll be getting food 😏

Hunter- Me and Brando will be there in a bit

Mark- What about Weston and Mario?

Me- Theyre with me

Weston- OR ur with us 😋!1!1!1!!

Me- Same thing Koury

Mario- Yeah William

Weston- kys


Mario- ^^

Weston- ^^ 😋😍😊😜🙊🤗💩😉👀😆

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