Chapter 15

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Weston- I wont give up

Nathan- Nah nah nah

Mario- Never give up

Jonas- Nah nah nah

Me- Let me love you!

Mark- Let me love youuu

Ariel- OMG

Ariel- O

Zach- M

Ariel- G


Me- Okay no that did not happen purposely we were just singing the song

Mark- ...

Me- Right Mark..?

Mark- Where is everyone? Like im so lost.

Weston- oh changing the subject arent we Thomas?

Mark- I found Jacob byeee

Me- Uh.. Okay?


Someone tapped on my shoulder. It couldn't be Kian nor Jc bc they were busy at their venue. I turned around to see Bryce.

"Uh, hi Bryce."

"Hey Mace." He had a black eye but still had that flawless smile. I gave him a slight smile and looked down at the ground, "I should, uh, go.."

"Im sorry about what happened yesterday," he whispered. I nodded my head.

"Mace I-" then people came running towards us screaming his name. They pushed me out and away from him. I mentally thanked them. Bryce looked at me with a sad face then looked back down smiling at all the girls. I turned around smiling, thank god. As I turned a corner, Weston jumped out and yelled my name. I laughed hugging him.

"Did you do that?"

"I MIGHT have, yes. Cause after 21 years you-" I cut him off before he could finish his long speech, "THANK YOU!"

He laughed, "Mhmm. Anyways, Mark is over at that little booth and he wanted you to go over there with him and Jacob."

"But I'm not a muser.."

"IT DON'T MATTER! GO SCURRY OVER THERE." He shooed me toward the venue. I smiled up at Mark and Jacob. Mark got up and went to me offering me his hand to help me get up on the stage. I took his hand and he pulled me up.

"Everyone, this is Macy. You may know her from my past broadcast!"

"MARCY! MARCY! MARCY! MARCY!" They all started to chant. I blushed. I could feel my face go numb.

"I think I should go.." I said looking back at the spot where I had came up from.

"Guys," Mark said into his microphone looking at the crowd, "Chill out!" He looked at me, "Come on Mace just sit down." I shrugged and sat down. Jacob smiled and looked back over to all the people. All our friends from the groupchat came out of no where with roses in their hands. What is happening.

"Mace, If I had a dollar for every time I think of you I'd have a dollar because you never leave my mind," Mark said taking my hand into his. Jacob took out a dollar and handed it to Mark. Mark laughed shaking his head, "What I'm trying to say is, I don't know, you're just so beautiful inside and out and I just wanna be more than friends.."

"Im just tryin' get you out the friend zone.." Jacob whispered into his mic. Everyone started laughing.

"OKAY ANYWAYSSS," Mark said glaring at Jacob with a smile, "Mace, will you be my girlfriend and make me the happiest boy ever?"


Authors Note:
Cliffhanger? Anyways my next update will be in like a month. Like I'm really flipping busy so sorry.

Well you probably don't care but I'm kidding.
Idk when my next post will be though so ha! Its wont be in a month though.
Kay bye thanks!

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