Chapter 45

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Private message with Weston

Weston- mace

Weston- mace

Weston- macyy

Weston- MACY

Macy- What?

Weston- i get that ur mad at mark and all

Weston- but i

Weston- LOOK just go watch mark on younow plz

Macy- but..

Weston- PLZ

Weston- for me?2

Macy- Ugh. Fine.


I go to the YouNow app and click into Marks broadcast. People instantly start commenting "Macys here!" Usually only a few people comment about me being in a broadcast, but right now it felt like everyone was spamming it.

"Okay shes here." Mark said. He sighed, "Okay, Macy, please just hear me out and don't leave the broadcast." He combed through his hair and started tapping his foot as if he were nervous. He sighed again, "Macy Lawley, I know I've messed up so many times, and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I- I'd do anything for it. Im sorry for being such a jealous little brat, I really am. I understand if you want me to leave you alone," his eyes started to get really puffy and pink, but he continued, "and I get it if you want me to stay out of your relationships. I'll hold all of my emotions back just for the sake of your happiness. But, I love you and I'll always love you. Ive tried so hard to move on like you have and get over all of this so we can just be friends- but I can't. You're all I can think about. I- I love you Macy Lawley. I love you." He wiped his tears from his cheek.

He let out a little chuckle, "I hope she didn't leave the broadcast."

I smiled then commented "I didn't".

"I'm gonna get off.. I just needed to say that. Bye everyone.." Then he ended the broadcast.

I turned off my phone and put it on my night stand. God, I hate this feeling. I hate the fact that I still love him.


Authors Note:
Thanks for 40k reads! 😭❤️ Love ya very much 😊 I GOTTA GO DO HOMEWORK NOW SO BYEE WISH ME LUCK!

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