Chapter 39

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Macys P.O.V.

*one week later*


A/N: Let me just tell you what happened during the week bc I'm not sure if you'd kill me for skipping a week or not, you wouldn't though, would you? Nah. ANYWAYS, nothing out of the ordinary has happened. No one has found out about Jacy, but some of their fans have their suspensions as usual since they're always hanging out. Mark has kept his distance and Macy has seen him since they're neighbors and all. He doesn't seem himself but Macy just turns the other way and ignores it, not letting it get to her. It hurts her but he hurt her. Bryce? He's been texting Macy but she never replies. Never answers the door when he's there. And of course Jacob is happy with Macy and vice versa. YAY YOUR'E ALL CAUGHT UP LETS GET INTO THIS NOW!


I wake up to noises of my window opening. It must be Jacob since he's the only one thats ever really done that. I smile and turn to the window. I see Jacob's shadow closing the window carefully. I look at my clock on my nightstand; 2:41. He's insane.

"Hey babe." I smile up at the shadow, "I love you, but you need to stop waking me up like this."

Jacob turns to me. Its super dark so I can't see his adorable face. "I've never woken you up like this before, what?" An extremely familiar voice says. I reach over to my nightstand and turn my lamp on revealing his face.

"Mark what the hell are you doing here?"

"You didn't know it was me? Who were you calling your babe then?"

"Why would you even think I'd call you babe? You're not my boyfriend." I said bluntly, "Why are you here?"

He looked down at the ground and bit his lip, "I'm sorry for waking you up, but I- I just needed to talk to you. I really miss talking to you.."

I sighed and opened my arms, "Come here!" He looks up and walks over to me smiling. We hug, and my mind goes completely blank. I don't know what to think, other than the fact that I missed his hugs. I never noticed until now.

"I'm sorry for being such a clingy jerk. I understand if you don't want to be a thing anymore but I'd be happy if we could be friends." He said rubbing my back.

"Yeah, of course we can be friends. I've missed talking to you to and I'm sorry for being such a bitch."

He laughed. God I've missed his angelic laugh. UGH STOP NO DON'T THINK LIKE THIS MACY!

I don't know how, but we stayed up all night talking. We didn't even notice until after Kian came into my room and interrupted us. Kian looked at me then at Mark.

"When did he get here?"

I looked at Mark then at Kian, "a couple of minutes ago," I lied.

Kian nodded his head slowly. "Ookay. Well its," he looked down at his watch, "10:30 and me and Jc are leaving at 10:45. I want him leaving as well."

I sighed, "okay." Kian looked at Mark and smiled then closed the door and was gone.

"It was nice talking to you again Macy." Mark smiled.

"Incredible." I laughed.

"Damn, I've missed that laugh to." Potatoes. Ugh, I've missed his ocean blue eyes that I could just fall into.

I smiled and rolled my eyes, "Bye! Ill see you later." He laughed and got up, "Bye!"

He closed my bedroom door and was gone. I smiled and fell onto my bed. I looked to my left and saw my phone on the nightstand. I reached over and got it and went through my notifications. 2 missed calls from Jacob and 2 messages from Jacob.


Private message with Jacob

Jacob- Good morning beautiful 😊❤️

Jacob- I know you wake up late but im bored 😂 WAKE UUUP!

Macy- I woke up late once! 😂 Gm 😊


Authors note:
IM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN LIKE FOREVER! Schools so needy. And annoying. And needs to kill its self. I hate school. Siiiigh BUT IM TRYING TO UPDATE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! I SHOULD BE SLEEPING RIGHT NOW BUT I WANTED TO UPDATE SINCE I HAVEN'T IN A WEEK. so yeah. Thank you for 28k. Unbelievable ❤️

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