Chapter 13

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I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. I sighed.


Jacob- Mace you okay? Im going to your room.

Mark- Hold up im going with you

Brandon- ^^

Nathan- OMW

Weston- im ur dad ofc ill be right there 😱😭☹️😰😒😭😊🙂☺️😏🤑

Mario- Already in the elevator ❤️

Ariel- Wait whats going on.

Zach- Yeah is Macy okay?

Me- Im fine guys! But tysm for making me smile ☺️❤️


There was a knock on my door so I got up and answered it. Jacob.

"Jacob I'm fine!" I whined.

"Tsk tsk Mace. I know you. You want a hug." I honestly did. How could he tell?

"How'd you know?" I asked full of curiosity.

He chuckled, "You're my best friend, how wouldn't I know?" He wrapped me in a hug without warning. I laughed then wiggled my arms out so I could wrap them around him.

"OOOH HUGGIES!" Weston shouted pouncing on us. Mario laughed from behind and we all laughed too then all hugged.

"Can we join?" Jonas and Nathan said. I lifted one of my arms signaling them to join and of course they did. Hunter, Brandon, and Mark joined a few seconds later.

"I love you guys so much," I said, "You guys didn't have to do this. Nothing was wrong."

"Who cares? This hugs amazing," Mario said with his eyes closed.

After our hug, Mark suggested we go to Taco Bell. Of course, we went. Obviously. We went down the elevator and walked over to Taco Bell. We sat at a big table that had booths on one side and chairs on the other. Mark was ordering and I was behind him choosing what I was gonna order. I think I'm just getting two Doritos tacos, one ranch one nacho cheese?

"Macy what do you want?" Mark asked turning to me as well as the cashier. I smiled at the cashier and looked at Mark, "Hmm?"

He chuckled, "What do you want?" I shook my head, "Its okay Mark, I'm paying for myself." He got me around the waist and scooted me closer to the counter, "Come on Mace, what do you want?" From behind us, someone coughed and said, "MARCY!" I turned around and rolled my eyes, "K-Y-S." I looked at the cashier, she seemed so impatient. I mentally shrugged, "Fine. Two nacho cheese Doritos tacos please." Mark gave me a smile and gave the cashier money. She gave us two cups and we got our drinks. We walked over to our table and sat down while the others ordered theirs. I sat on the booth side and he sat right in front of me on a chair.

"You didn't have to do that Mark."

"I know. I wanted to," he replied sipping his beverage.

I smiled and he smiled back. Gosh, I could stare into his ocean blue eyes forever.

"OH STARING CONTEST!" Nathan yelled sitting next to Mark and looking back and forth from him to me. I looked down, I could feel myself blushing like crazy.

"Nathan shut up." Mark said.

"Did I ruin something?" Nathan asked. I looked up at him right away, "No!" Nathan jumped at my sudden outburst which made me laugh and out of the corner of my eye, I could see Mark looking at me smiling.

"Did I miss something?" Weston asked sitting down next to me.

"You missed Marcy, Wes. You missed Marcy." Nathan replied.


"Ugh, I just want my freakin' tacos." I said, mainly to myself.

I took my phone out and scrolled through Instagram. Hate, hate, hate, support. Honestly? One supporter can stomp all the hate.

They called out our order so I got up and was about to go get them when Mark grabbed my arm stopping me, "Macy sit down. Ill bring our order." I shrugged and sat back down. It was the least I could do but whatever.

Weston scooted closer to me and whispered, "You guys would be so cute!" I pushed him away, "Shove a taco in your mouth and shut up." He looked down at his table then back at me, "I would but ya know," then he looked back down at his empty table.

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