Chapter 35

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Macys P.O.V.

I woke up and turned to hear my window closing. I immediately turned towards the window to see a shadow standing next to it, "I have a knife!" I said. I heard a chuckle, "Since when have you had a knife?"

I sighed, "Jacob what are you doing at," I turned to the clock on my nightstand, "5 IN THE MORNING here?"

He walked to my bed and got under the covers with me, "I couldn't sleep and thinking of Weston and Erin cuddling made me want to cuddle, so.."

I laughed as he put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Im not going to lie, I enjoyed it. He was so warm. I was so comfortable.



I opened my window after hearing rocks hit it. I saw Jacob standing there smiling.

"What do you want?" I whisper yelled.

"Come down!" He replied. I bit my lip. It was 4:26 at night and he wanted me to go outside. What is wrong with this 6 year old Jacob.

I crawled out of the window carefully and went down the ladder he had put for me.

"Come on!" He said getting a hold of my hand and pulling me towards the street. I resisted and he noticed, "Lets go Macy!"

"Jacob, its to late to be outside! What if we get kidnapped?"

"I won't let a stranger come within a feet of you, pinky promise." He extended his hand which was in a fist with only his pinky out. I sighed, "Fine. Fine." I twisted my pinky with his and he smiled, "Lets go." He took my hand and dragged me towards the forest. The forest. The place we would always go to when we wanted to get away from society. The place we would go to when we just wanted to be alone together. Just me and him.

But I was terrified.

It was dark outside. The forest was even darker. You couldn't see a thing that lived in there. There could be anything.

I stopped right on the edge of the forest. Jacob sighed, "What now Mace?"

"I'm- I'm scared."

"You've never been scared of the forest before."

"Yeah, well, we've never gone to the forest when its dark out.."

"Mace, I wouldn't let a thing hurt you." He squeezed my hand reassuringly. I nodded. I trusted him.

He looked back into the forest standing still. Then he looked at me, "Here, hop on my back." I did as told and hugged his neck, but not to the point where I was choking him. He started to make his way into the forest.

"Jacob, what are we doing here?" I whispered as he set me down on the ground beside our tree.

"I couldn't sleep. I come here sometimes when I can't sleep, but I wanted you to come today."

"Why?" I asked as I started climbing up the tree.

"I don't know. I thought it would be cool. I'll feel less afraid here with you."

We made it to our little treehouse and sat in it. We talked most of the time, but we both started to get tired. As I dozed off, I felt him wrap his arms around me and whisper "goodnight" as he laid his head on mine and drifted off as well.

I smiled.


I felt a poke on my cheek. I groaned, "Whaaat?"

"What was that smile for?" Jacob asked.

I opened one eye, "What smile?"

"You smiled. I woke up and you were smiling. WAIT DID YOU DRAW ON MY FACE?!" He said getting up and running to the bathroom. I laughed, "No."

He came back and ran his fingers through his hair, "Well. Then why were you smiling?"

"I had a dream. Well, more like a flashback in a dream."

He nodded and sat beside me in my bed, "What was it about?"

"The past obviously!" I giggled. He rolled his eyes smiling. "Sassy sassy sassy," he turned his back towards me and let himself fall on me.

"Uff, get off!"

"But you're so comfy."

"And you're so fat, now geeet offfff!"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fat. Im going to make waffles and not give you ANY!" He got off me and sat up in front of me.

I laughed, "As if I wanted any of your burned waffles."

"I'll ORDER waffles from Waffle House. Hmph."

"Awww, please buy we waffles!"

He chuckled, "Lets go to Waffle House."

I groaned, "Fine but I need to to change. And your paying." He chuckled, "I expected that." He stood up and opened my room window, "Ill be back in half an hour." He started crawling out of the window and went to the edge of the roof.

"You could have just went through the door.." I said as he squatted down. He shrugged then he jumped off.

I sighed and closed my window. Jumping off the roof wasn't impossible, and I didn't hear him scream so he was most likely okay. I stood at the window and decided to just make sure he wasn't on the floor dying. I opened the window and crawled to the edge. Nope, he's not there. I knew he was fine.

I went back inside and showered then changed into a white and black baseball sweatshirt. I put on some black jeans with slight tears then put my hair up into a bun. I did my make up and slid on my black converse.


Private message with Jacob

Me- Ready?

Jacob- Mhm. I called an Uber and hes on his way. Meet you at your door?

Me- Beat ya there 😝

Jacob- Thats just unfair. 😂


I went to the door and saw that he was running from the street. I laughed and opened the door as he was panting in front of it.

"I beat you."

"Oh hush!" He said with a chuckle.

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