Chapter 19

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Private message with Mark

Mark- Wake up dork 🤓❤️

Macy- Im upppp

Macy- Whats up babe?

Mark- We need to go alreadyyy cmon

Macy- Okay. Where do we meet?


Macys P.O.V.

No reply. I got up and got ready. I put on a black shirt and overalls over it. I did my hair into two french braids and put on a black Vans hat backwards. I did my eyeliner and mascara and was ready.

I got my phone and sighed as I was walking to the door. Last day. Last day of seeing the best people in the world. Last day of meeting sweet supporters. Last day of being with... OH STOP BEING SO DAMN GLUM! Ugh.

I opened the door and was engulfed in a hug, "GOOD MORNING GORGEOUS!"

I laughed, "Morning."

"Whats wrong?" Mark said looking me in the eyes.

"Nothing, I- I just, I don't know."

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and one of his million dollar smiles, "Don't be sad. Okay? Can I see that perfect smile now?" He stuck his bottom lip out which made me laugh. "Thats what I'm talking about!" He gave me another kiss, but on the lips. He took my hand and we went over to the convention center.

Before we even got inside, a group of about five girls stopped us.

"Mark can we have a picture?" 

He smiled and nodded. One of the girls came up to me while the rest of them posed for the picture, "Can you take the picture?" Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no problem with this type of situation. However, I did have a problem with the way she said it. She sounded so snobby. I didn't say anything. I simply took the phone and captured a few pictures. The girl came back up to me while all the rest were saying their goodbyes, "Look, Mark doesn't like you, okay? You're nothing. He just feels bad for you." At this point, I was in this weird mood. I felt pissed and sad at the same time. I mean, she was like 10 what the hell? I forced the phone into her hand with a push and turned around. I walked away.

Someone got my arm and stopped me, "Macy!"

I turned to Mark, "Hmm?"

"Awww, did you get jealous?" Jealous? Really? Is there a reason why I should be jealous?


He noticed how serious I was being and let go of my hand, "Whats wrong?"

"That girl. She told me you didn't like me and that I was nothing."

"I can't take this, be right back." He turned around and ran up to the group of girls. Their smiles disappeared as Mark began to talk. He didn't have to do that! Akdksjhcs.

The girls all nodded and Mark jogged back to me, "Okay." The girl came up behind him, "I'm sorry. I ship Marcy.. I... UGH I CANT DO THIS MARK WHY ARE YOU EVEN DATING HER?"

I felt tears start to sting my eyes, "Mark I'm just gonna go back to my room. Have fun today." I turned to my hotel and started running, ignoring everything and everyone in my way.

I got to my room and locked the door. I plopped on my bed and laid there staring at the ceiling. Why do his fans hate me so much? I turned to my phone that was currently ringing. I got it and answered, "Hello?" "Macy, where are you and Mark?" Jacob. Sigh. "Uh, I- I don't feel up to it today. Not like anyones there for me anyways. But Mark should be there any minute."

"Mace, whats wrong? What happened?" I hanged up. Why does something always have to be wrong? I've been asked what was wrong like three times THIS MORNING!

There was a knock at the door so I got up, "Who is it?"

"Its me!" Mark said.

"Okay me, you should be at Playlist?" I said in the questionable voice.

"Open the door Macy babyyyy!" Gah! Weakness. I opened the door and he came in, "Have you seen my tweet?" He asked. I shook my head and took my phone out of my pocket.

If you wanna meet up be at Starbucks @ 10. If your gonna be rude, dont come (: YOULL GET HURT SMH

I smiled at him. He smiled back at me, "We should go, we have 15 minutes until its 10."

We walked over to Starbucks and got there with 12 minutes to spare. There was already a ton of people here. And they were already screaming their heads off..



"Don't," Jacob let out a light laugh, "Don't call me that!"

Mark did a little handshake with Jacob and Jacob came up to me and gave me a hug. I then got a late notification (don't you just hate when this happens?) about Jacob retweeting what Mark had tweeted. So THATS how all these people knew. Aha.

It was so fun. Everyone sat down, some sitting on the floor because of the limited amount of space, and we just talked. We laughed and joked around. It was really fun. Some people even asked if I could take a picture with them which made my day!

But it ended. And the worst part began. The leaving part.

We all met at the airport and awaited our plane back home.

One by one they all left the airport and coincidentally, Mark and I were the last ones there. We held hands and awaited our parting in silence. Then his plane was called. I got up as he got up and we hugged.

"Im really going to miss you.." I said into his shoulder starting to cry a bit.

"I love you so much, don't ever forget that, okay? Don't forget how beautiful you are. Know that I'll always be here for you, okay? One call away. Ill text you everyday." Gosh I love him. We parted the hug and I looked into his puffy red eyes, "I love you so much."

He wiped my tears away and gave me one last, long kiss.

"Can I see that gorgeous smile before I leave?" Gosh I wanna cry so much. I wrapped my arms around him tightly then pulled away and gave him a smile. He smiled back and kissed me on the cheek, "I LOVE YOU MACY!" He shouted as he ran. They had called his plane again for the last time.

I ran to where Kian and Jc were. Kian immediately got up, "What's wrong? Why are your eyes red? Have you been crying?" Tears. "Nooo, Mace don't cry!" He hugged me and wiped my tears away.

God, I'm gonna miss Mark.


Authors Note:

BA BA BA BA BANG! Another thousand something words. Suh proud. BUT ANYWAYS, it's gonna go back to texting and groupchatting more YAY RIGHT?! Mkay bye bye thank you for readingggg! Oh and thanks so much for 4k 😧❤️

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