Chapter 31

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Macy's P.O.V.

"B-Bryce what are you d-doing here?" I asked looking up at him. He smirked, then smiled, "I'd love to take you out to eat. Can we please?" He pulled out a rose from behind his back and grinned. I couldn't help but blush.

"Um, sure."

We got into his car and he started driving. Im not even sure if he has a drivers license. Ugh, I'm already regretting this. Mark would've.. No. Stop. I'm not about to think about Mark.

"So where are we going?" I asked looking at him then out the window.

"It's a surprise. I know you'll like it though."

I nodded and continued to look out the window. Ugh, I left my phone at home. What if Kian gets home and doesn't find me there and tries to call me? If I don't answer, I'll be in so much trouble. I was in between thoughts of 'what if's when Bryce interrupted by saying, "We're here." I snapped back into reality and got off as Bryce opened my door. I gave him a smile as he closed the door.

It was a nice, fancy restaurant. He had reserved a booth for us. It was a pretty basic place, but I did like it. He ordered for the both of us and the waiter left us alone.

"I honestly didn't think you'd come with me. You know, because your dating Mark and all," He said looking down at the table and to my eyes from time to time. I sighed, "Mark and I aren't a thing anymore." He looked me straight in the eyes, "Wait, really?" I nodded. "If he broke up with you, he's plain stupid." I rubbed the back of my neck, "Can- Can we not talk about him?" He looked down at the table and nodded.

The rest of the dinner went by un expectantly nice. We talked and laughed. It wasn't as bad as I was thinking it would be. After the dinner, he drove me home. He walked me up to my front door, "I had fun." "Surprisingly, I did too," I said nudging him smiling. He chuckled. He looked me in the eyes and laid a light kiss on my lips. I was a little shocked, but I decided not to make a big deal about it.

I walked into the house and there was shouting. Of course there was. I laughed and went up the stairs and walked into my room. I checked my phone: no missed calls, a few messages from Mark that I decided to ignore, and a few notifications from YouTube. I put my phone on my nightstand and decided that today was a long enough day. I changed to my pajamas then laid in bed letting myself drift off into a peaceful sleep.


Groupchat without Macy


Jacob- Um

Weston- pssst jakey u saw?

Erin- 👀👀👀

Weston- u know wat im talking about erin

Erin- mhm

Mark- What??

Jonas- Bryces Snapchat story 🐸☕️


Jonas- I mean, I wish i was Bryce but this is pretty juicyyyy

Nathan- Jonas lets broadcast

Jonas- Oookay

Weston- thx dad

Nathan- I gotchu boo ((;

Mark has left the chat

Jacob has added Mark to the chat

Jacob- Mark, it wasnt your fault. Come Over lets hang out bro 😋

Mark- Im not in the mood rn

Erin- :/

Weston- i cri


Authors Note:
IM SORRY FOR NOT POSTING IN LIKE A WEEK!! I've been extremely busy keeping up with school and after school things and ugh, I'm sorry. I'll try to post as much as I possibly can. Thanks for reading! ❤️

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