Summer - June 20th, 2016

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Dear Miles Cade,

            Miles, you are miles and miles away and not here with me. Okay, I cannot believe I started off with that, but I guess I miss my best friend because I need you right now. I can't say why, but just keep that mind inside that seaweed brain of yours.

            However, I am happy to say that today has been the first amazing day of summer despite it starting a few days ago. My father finally got a day off from his journalism job and spent time with mother, Bradley, and I. We all went to the park and had a picnic. It was so nice honestly, the wind, and non -ocean smell or boat rocking or getting sea sick... sorry, couldn't help it. Bradley and I had a grape-eating contest. We tried to see who could toss the most grapes into our mouths and you better be proud because your girl totally beat Bradley! I really wish you were there; it would've been nice to see my brother and best friend hang out with each other. You two would get along, you both have the same sense of humor.

            After that we all went out for ice cream. I decided to try this weird new flavor they had, it was a mix of wild berries, min chocolate chip, and sprinkled with brownies on it. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. I'd only order it again if I was starving at two in the morning and was only craving ice cream.

            Today was pretty good, but tomorrow I'm spending the day with Mason since he keeps complaining that I'm "avoiding" him too much. Wish me luck and I'll write you tomorrow.

Your best friend always,

            Piper Cheyenne

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