Summer - July 13th, 2016

55 6 0

Dear Miles Cade,

            I do formally apologize to you, handsome, about not sending a letter to you yesterday. To my surprise my family wanted to have a spontaneous outing together. It was really fun, but the topic today is you not I.

            I can't believe you got to feed and touch a dolphin while the teacher gave a lecture on sea animals. I am honestly relieved you didn't try to ride the dolphin considering that time you tried to ride a deer and almost broke your neck.

            Thank you so much for the pictures, ahem, finally. Those dolphins looked so cute! You're so lucky! I wish I could've gotten photos of them myself! You know recently I took these photos and... huh.

            Look, I must cut this letter short I'm sorry.

            I'll write you soon.

I'll stay with you always,

            Piper Cheyenne

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