Summer - June 29th, 2016

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Dear Miles Cade,

             One party. That's all it took to make me realize that I hate parties and I'm kind of afraid of leaving my house.

            Let me start from the top. I wore a dress and converse, now before you judge me I have to make this clear: There no possible way anyone can truly get down on the dance floor in heels. I'd look like a newborn giraffe and fall on my ass! Riley and I were out on the dance floor while Ryan went to go try and do a handstand on a keg (he passed out on the grass five minutes later). I enjoy dancing, but the type of dancing a certain asshole wanted to do made me want to slap him. I stepped forward to get away from him (that and Riley kept tugging my wrists and looked terrified) and that's when I saw him. Mason.

            My initial reaction was to slap him, but he snatched my wrist away from Riley, his breath clearly smelled of alcohol. I tried to pull away, but he only pulled me closer and slurred a bunch of words that I couldn't make out. He would have ended up forcefully trying to kiss me when I used my other to slap him.

            He was furious at that point and slapped me right back calling me a stupid bitch for breaking up with him. My cheek was a shade of red and it's bruised as of right now. What happened after that was a blur. I only remember Mason being held back from his guy friends and Riley went off to find Ryker.

             Well, somehow later that night I found my way home (I'm assuming Riley and Ryker dropped me off) and Bradley was more than furious. He called the cops, repeated five times that there was evidence Mason hit me, and they came over. I gave them what I gave you, an explanation. They said that they'll look into Mason's background and that I needed to stay home for the next two days so I don't run into Mason.

            If I'm being honest, I'm glad I'm not leaving the house. It seems as though every-time I do something it just goes wrong. Please, write something back to me, just for this letter at least.

I'll be here always,

            Piper Cheyenne

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