Summer - August 6th, 2016

44 6 3

Piper Cheyenne's POV:

I'm staring at the handsome young adult in front of me. A small smile with tears in my eyes clearly shows on my face. I take in a short breath; letting it out I hold the letter out in front of me, "Hey Miles. I brought you one last letter, for when you're feeling up to reading it."

"Thank you," He says to me, I started to blush seeing that his lips formed a smile. I hadn't seen it in so long, I almost forgot what it looked like.

"No need to thank me," I say in response, but deep down the awkward small talk was hurting me, I tried to shake it off, "I thought it would help you remember everything naturally."

Miles put it on the bottom of the letter pile that was on his desk. It made me relieved. He would end up reading them in order. He then stared at me again with his eyebrows furrowed, "May I ask, why did you start writing me letters?"

"You were on a trip overseas and I was on land. I wanted to make sure we still communicated with each other. We were, I mean are best friends," I say not wanting to go into huge details of our history together.

I only saw him nod, for a split second I could have sworn he knew what I meant, but maybe I was only seeing what I wanted to. I just gave him a soft smile, "So, I guess this is my last visit for a while."

"What?" His face fell, "Why?"

"I start college soon. I am spending time with my family before I leave," I start to explain. I looked away from him because his sad eyes were piercing into mine, "However, when I do have free time I will visit you. I'll always be thinking of you."

"You're very sweet," He sighed, "I wish... I wish I could remember our memories together. I feel strongly towards you, but I don't know why."

That made my heart quicken. There was apart of him that still had feelings towards me, but I only shook my head at him, "I realized I never told you my name. I was silly to assume you would remember. It's Piper Cheyenne."

"That sounds familiar. Did I ever have a nickname for you?" He asked suddenly.

If I'm being honest the question caught me off guard. Did he truly care about our past that much? He had only gotten out of the coma a few days ago and the last thing I suspected he would want is to get feelings involved.

"You would calling me darling," I answered with a blush, "Only you called me that."

"Darling," He murmured not realizing that I had my mouth open a bit at the sound of the nickname. He looked at the letters than at me, "Is it alright, if I continue to call you that?"

"Um, yes of course," I respond trying to hide the crack in my voice of happiness rather than sadness.

Miles picked up the first letter that I sent him on the last day of school. It had already been open from when he remembered. I watched as he continued to stare at the letter without opening it, it was easy to see that Miles was hesitant in wanting to open the letter.

"You don't have to read them right now, not if you're not ready," I say in a soft voice trying to make him comfortable.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's that I'm afraid I won't be able to get back to my normal self," He admitted. It broke my heart.

I walk closer to him, sit on the edge of the bed, and stare at his hand that was in front of me, "Miles, the same you before you got into a coma will be the same you that will walk out of this hospital. Memory or no memory I know that the ones we will have together in the future will be just as great as before."

Okay, maybe I shouldn't have said the last sentence. It was too soon.

"You know, I thought you would treat me differently because I can't remember you, but you still treat me as though I'm whole. Thank you."

Never mind, it was the perfect thing to say. Phew.

"Miles, how are you feeling about this whole thing?" I ask, afraid and curious to know the answer.

"I feel that I don't truly exist, but like you said. I will still be the same me with memory or no memory."

He reached for my hand, it made my eyes wide, and he was about to let go when I let out a laugh, "It's fine...I've been wanting to hold onto your hand for a while now."

Before he could say anything more, the nurse entered the room, and she frowned, "Visiting hours are over."

"I guess this goodbye," I say giving his hand a quick squeeze. I felt the tears come back into my eyes and turned away from him, "For now."

I let go of his hand reluctantly; walking away toward the door there wasn't anything stopping me from letting the tears go down my face. I know I'll see him again, but it seems too far away. I put my hand on the handle and was about to turn the knob when his voice caught my attention.

"I will see you soon... right darling?" He asked with a hopeful smile.

"Of course you will, I promise," I answered feeling the smile form on my face despite tears going down my cheeks.

I don't know what will happen in the future. All I know is that I'll love him. He came into my life without me having to look for him. That doesn't happen to most people and most people don't end up falling in love with that person. I was one of the lucky ones. Miles Cade has my heart. Always. Whether he has his memories or he doesn't. I truly love him and I'm willing to stick around for the long run.

The End.

* * *

Authors Note:

Oh. My. Gosh. It is the end of Letters to Miles Cade. 1k+ Views and my lil heart is soaring with happiness and sadness. I really hope you all enjoyed reading the story as much as I loved writing it. It's one of those stories I feel that even though there's a sad ending, there's hope for the characters.

I am HOWEVER, writing an epilogue tomorrow for you all, so you know what happens to Miles, Piper, Ryker, Riley, and maybe even Mason :)

Since this book is completed (after the epilogue) of course, I am going to start a new one during the first or second week of September, so keep an eye out for that! I hope you all have a great day and keep reading! :)

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