Summer - June 21st, 2016

77 7 2

Dear Miles Cade,

As I am writing this, I am crying my eyes out at home, and for once, I am alone. Without father, mother, Bradley, and you.

I should start from the beginning, obviously. I spent half the day with Mason. It was good at the start, we got some breakfast together at this new place that just opened up, and I had to pay because he spent all his money on alcohol. When he saw me pull my credit card out, he accused me of lying to him that I didn't have money. I told him that I do have money, but I'm saving it for something important. He really disliked that, but chose to ignore it because people started to stare at us.

We left the new food joint and since we were by the vintage store I really love; I wanted to go check it out. I manage to convince Mason that it'll have something he'll like, but after five minutes of being in there he started complaining about how it's only old crap. Lets just say, we had to be escorted out, but only Mason wasn't allowed back because she had seen I wasn't doing anything wrong.

Hey, Miles, I'm finishing up writing this only it's been one hour later. I am so sorry that this may not get to you in time. Something just happened while I was home alone and I had to put this on hold. Bradley's home now, he's really pissed off, and he's bringing me my favorite movies to have a sibling bonding time together.

He thinks it'll make me forget. It won't. I'll write you tomorrow.

Your best friend always,

Piper Cheyenne

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