Summer - July 27th, 2016

44 6 0


Dear Miles Cade,

            You know the funny thing about meeting people? Is that they'll have such an impact on you, but in my opinion it's either good or bad. I can definitely say meeting you was a good thing.

            You're probably thinking while you're in this... coma, why am I telling you this? Besides the fact that I am turning into a cheesy lovesick fool; I was out with my photography group and we were taking pictures by the beach and it reminded me of you.

            I use to be insecure about my body. Yes, I know what you're going to say because you always say it. I'm skinny, I have a fast metabolism, and I look great in a bathing suit. However despite the first two being true I don't think the third one is. Sometimes I feel too skinny. I feel like I'm underweight, but I don't say anything because people will tell me that I need to stop fishing for compliments.

            That day on the beach you took me there because you wanted me in a bathing suit. At first, I'm not going to deny I thought you were trying to be a pervert, but I was wrong. Once I was in that bathing suit you started listing everything that you liked about me from my head to my toes. I cried once you finished, but I was smiling at the same time.

            I guess taking a picture of that beach brought back that memory. I am glad to say that I am still kind of insecure, but I'm getting to that point where I feel comfortable in my own body.

            It's getting harder to write these letters to you if I'm being honest. I might stop writing for the next few days just to take a break. I promise that I will update you on everything... I just... you understand. You always do.

            I'll write you always.

I'll stay with you and love you always,

            Piper Cheyenne

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