chapter one

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~Pete's POV~
"DADDY WAKE UUUP!" I heard Daya whine into my ear.

"NOOO" I mimicked back at her. I lazily got out of bed and pick up my 5 year old daughter.

"Where's Mommy?" She asked as we walk into the bathroom.

"She went to work" I said to her as I grabbed both of our toothbrushes and toothpaste from the cabinet.

"Oh...when will she be back?" She asked as she started to brush her teeth.

"Around 6 or 7 in the afternoon. Why do you ask?" I said as I started to brush my teeth.

"I want to make her some cupcakes" she said happily as she started brushing her teeth.

"Ok we can start making them after school. Ok?

"Ok daddy!" She said as she finished brushing her teeth.

"Ok then sweetheart go and start getting ready for school" I smiled to her as I cleaned off the extra toothpaste off my mouth.

While Daya was getting ready for school I started to make us breakfast.

As I quickly got the pancake mix out my phone started to ring. I went to the living room where I found my phone under the pillows and answered it.


"Hello may I please speak with Pete Wentz?"

"This is him speaking. How can help you?"

"This Dr.Wright calling from the Los Angels Hospital I am sorry to inform you, but your wife had been in a serious accident and is in critical condition"

"WHAT?!? HOW?!?"

"A semi truck hit her side of the car which cause her to flip off of the highway road and landing on top of another car. I need you to come to the hospital to talk over her condition"

"Oh my ok i will be right there." I said as I hung up without saying goodbye. I stood there with tears pouring out of my eyes.

I can't believe that my wife is in the hospital....what the hell am I gonna say to Daya... The real question is... how is she gonna take the news?

"Daddy...what's wrong?" I heard Daya say behind he. She was wearing her hair 2 Braids and had a striped navy blue shirt with white shirts and navy blue Toms.

I walked up to her and picked her up and held her on my side.

"Um..mommy is in the hospital right now. I don't think your gonna go to school today ok honey." I said as I tried to hold back the tears.

"Is mommy ok?" Daya asked as she hugged my neck.

"I don't honey... I don't know.." I said finally letting the tears fall out.

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