Chapter 19

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~Brendon's POV~

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a room that had a bright white light.

"Brendon!" I heard someone gasp. It was Patrick.

I sat up as Patrick, Spencer, Gerard, Pete, Dallon, Sarah, and Kenny scramble towards me.

"Brendon honey how are you feeling?" said Sarah as she grabbed my hand.

"Fuck my head hurts like a bitch." I said as I put my hand on my forehead.  I guess that douche hit me pretty har-

"WHERE'S DAYA!?" I exclaimed as I looked at everyone in the room. Everyone started to tear up. 

"WHERE IS SHE?!" I asked once again eagerly.

"she um...she was taken by the man that put you in the hospital...she has been gone for 2 days already. The cops are doing everything they can to get her back." Sarah said as tears slid down her tired face.

"Oh god...I should have protected her. I am s sorry Patrick I-I s-sorry" I said as I began to sob hysterically.

"You don't have to be sorry Brendon. It wasn't your fault." He said in a groggy voice.

"Yes it is" I insisted as I continued crying.

"Calm down Brendon please" said Dallon as he put a hand on my shoulder to lay me down but I tried desperately to fight back. All I wanted was to get Daya back.

" NO NO NO I SHOULD HAVE PROTECTED HER!" I yelled. I was then interrupted by Pete.

"This all my fault." He said as he cried and looked at the floor.

"What do you mean?" asked Spencer as a single tear slid down his face.

"...A few years back..When I was doing drugs. I had owed a drug dealer named Rob...I owe him $2,000  worth of drugs...He texted me after I talked to Daya in the cafe. He said that if I don't pay him back within 10 weeks that he will hurt everyone that comes in contact with me...I am so sorry guys...yell and beat me up all you want...I deserve it" I explained to them as he cried. 

We all looked at him in shock and in anger. Patrick was way more angry than all of us.

"And you didn't think that it would be SMART to tell us about this when we met up!" yelled Patrick. Gerard and Dallon went to hold him back before he threw a punch at Pete for being A FUCK DUMBASS WITH NO FUCKING BRAIN!

"Patrick calm down! We ALL want to beat the life out of him but still we need to focus on Daya right now."  Gerard told Patrick as he fought again him and Dallon. Patrick calmed down once he got Gerard'd words through his head.

"Leave." Patrick said to Pete bluntly.

"Okay...I am sorry.. just so you know..I can help you find her..I still know some people that work for Rob." Pete said to all of us. He then left and the room fell into silence besides the sound of us crying. 

"We need to act fast and now." Said Spencer to all of us as we all agreed.


Hey guys, Sorry for the short chapter it is 3 in the morning and I have school in 4 hours i just typed this small piece up because I couldn't sleep. Sorry I haven't updated I still haven't gotten my phone back and I am just going through some pretty difficult times right now...I hope you liked it...Right now i am using the mt school computer to update and I have been extremely busy. Also thank you for reading this book it means alot to me. I love you all. Stay classy, Stay sassy, Stay beautiful....Stay alive


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