Chapter 6

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Song: Los Angles by Blink 182
So I will try to update everyday but I don't promise you that I will, but I will try. Declan's age will be different in the story he will be 9 years old. Also there is Declan ^ up there sorry I couldn't find any 9 year old boys that's were decent enough to be apart of the book or they all look nothing like Patrick but this one has Elisa's hair and eye....idk ok carry on.

~6 years later in 2016~
~13 Year old Daya's POV~
"You are nothing to me" he said as he slammed me against the wall. He raised his fist and took a swing at me.

I woke up right when he hit me in my dream. I was drenched in sweat and I was laying at the end of my bed. I guess I moved so much in my sleep that I ended up on the other side.

I have been having nightmares since I moved in with Patrick. Patrick told me to call him Patrick instead of Uncle Patrick because he says that it makes him seem old same with Elisa.

Right now we started summer vacation so luckily I don't have to deal with idiots at school. I am 2 weeks in to summer and I already have nothing to do.

I only have like 4 friends that I actually trust. They don't know about my dad. They only know that I live with Patrick and that's it.

I quickly took a shower. Once I got out I changed in black skinny jeans, a Bring Me The Horizon "True Friends" tee and I put on my black Vans on.

I walk down stairs to eat breakfast with Patrick , Aunt Elisa and Declan.

I went into the kitchen to find Elisa cooking pancakes.

"Hey good morning." I said to her as gave her a hug.

"Good morning honey so guess what's next week?" She said as she poured chocolate chips into the batter.

"Um...what?" I said to her as I sat on. The counter next to her.

"You forgot?Oh my lord Daya honey you need to check the calendar!go!" She said as she playfully shooed me away.

"Fiiiiinnne." I said to her as I walked over to the calendar in the living room.

"Ok.. Monday.. nothing, Tuesday.. nothing, Thursday....oh my god...I can't believe I Mom's birthday...oh god"

I ran back to the kitchen with Elisa and tackled her into a hug and she hugged me back as I started to cry.

"I can't believe I forgot her birthday...thank you for reminding me" I said to her as her rubbed my back.

"Your welcome honey...she was a beautiful woman just like you." She said as she hugged me tighter.

"I miss her alot" I said to her in a low voice.

"We all do...but let's not be sad... she is in a better place now and she is watching over you...ok?" Said she said to me as she pulled away and held me hands.

" pancakes.." I said to her as I pointed to the pancakes that were burning.

"What? Oh god!" She said as she ran to flip them.

"Hahaha. Ok I am going to see what's taking Patrick and Declan so long." I said to her as I walked back up stairs.

As I walked to Declan's room I heard giggling through the white door.

I opened the door to find Patrick and Declan in there Batman PJ's pretending to fight each other. I swear sometimes I think they are both 6 years old and I am the mother.

"Ok Batman and Batman Jr time for breakfast." I said to them as they froze in place.

"It depends in what's for breakfast" said Patrick in his Batman voice.

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