Chapter 5

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Song: Waterfall by With Confidence

Play when ever you want:)

~The next day~
~Patrick's POV~
The doctor said that Daya could get released but we need to keep her from sleeping on her right side since that's is where her ribs are hurt.

I finished signing the release when I heard Pete's voice in the background.

"Is a little girl named Daya Wentz here?" Said Pete as if he truly didn't care about her.

"What are you doing here Pete?" I interrupted before the nurse could answer.

"I came to get MY daughter." He said as he faced me.

"What so you can go get wasted at a bar and push her down the stairs again? Yah I don't think your getting anywhere near her again!" I said to him as my blood started to boil.

"She is MY daughter and I can do whatever I want with her and your not going to prevent me from seeing her." Said Pete he slurred his words.

"Oh really well guess what I already signed the papers that state that she is coming to live with me weather YOUR DRUNK ASS LIKES IT OR NOT BECAUSE SHE IS NOT GOING HOME WITH YOU JUST SO YOU CAN USE HER AS A PUNCHING BAG!" I yelled at him as I stepped forward even though he is taller than me.

He didn't say anything else. He just stood there with his fists clenched with his face redder that a tomato.

"That's what I thought." I said to him as I started to walk away.

"Miss can you please call security to escort this poor excuse of a father out of the hospital please."I said to the front desk nurse.

"Yes sir." She said as she picked up the phone to call security.

I walked back to Daya's room so I can get her ready.

As I entered her room to hear her laughing along with Andy as they were watching a funny movie.

"Hey Andy can I talk to you please."I asked Andy. He took his eyes off of the T.V as he nodded his head.

"Um yeah sure. I'll be right back ok baby doll?" He said to Daya as he gave her a kiss in her forehead.

"Ok but hurry or else your gonna miss the movie." She said as she looked at Andy with those big brown eyes of hers...they look just like Christine's.

"Ok" said Andy as he made his way out the door with me.

"What's up" he asked.

"I ran into Pete in the lobby." I said to him as I looked at the ground.

"WHAT?!" He said as he went is defense mode aka momma Hurley.

"Yeah he wanted to take Daya but I too care of that before he got here." I said to him as I calmed him down.

"How?" He asked.

"I signed some papers that's state that she is under my custody and I had him escorted out of the hospital." I said to him as I leaned on the wall.

"Oh that's good...we need to protect her from him" he said as he leaning on the wall next me.

"I think we should get going. We have to get to the airport by 6:45 and we have and hour to get there."I said.

"Yah we should go before we get caught in traffic...what about her belongings?" Andy asked.

"I can but her new stuff once we get to Chicago." i said to him as I walk to Daya's room.

"Ok I'll buy her some stuff also...she deserves it." Said Andy as he followed behind me.

Want You Back// A Pete Wentz FicWhere stories live. Discover now