Chapter 14

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~Daya's POV~
We walked out of the cafe into the warm June air. I was holding back the tears.

We finally entered the car. Joe sat one my right and Andy sat in the passenger seat next to Patrick.

I bursted into tears and everyone likes at me concerned.

"Honey what's wrong?" Said Joe as he hugged me.

I didn't say anything I just stayed quiet.

"Do you want to talk bout it when your ready?" He asked. Patrick and Andy were giving me concerned looks.

I just nodded my head. I decided to lay my head in Joe's lap. Once I did I feel into a deep sleep as we when home.

~Pete's POV~
I was sitting in the cafe by myself. I'm  really happy that I finally got to talk to her.

I am astonished by how mature she is....but she is right...I did hurt her...and like I said I am never going to forgive myself for that.


I heard my phine vibrating in my pocket indicating that I have a message. (P:Pete  U: Unknown)

U: Don't think your off the hook. You, your daughter, and your little friends are not safe. So I suggest you give me that money you own me before someone gets hurt..

P: I will get it when I can....just don't hurt them I beg you. They are not part of this just please...keep it between you and me please.

U: I can't promise you anything now i want my 20,000 in 10 weeks.

P: 10 WEEKS!! PLEASE give me more time.

U:NO! 10 weeks and that's final I have already given you 6 years and you still haven't gotten anything.

P: ok....10 weeks...

U; goodbye.

*End of conversation*

What am I going to do. If they get hurt then they will hate me even more.

I stood up nervously and walked out of the cafe and went back to my motel to figure out what the hell I am going to do.

Hello so sorry I haven't updated in a while like I said have started school and I have been majorly busy. So I wrote this on the bus so sorry if there are any mistakes. Also sorry that it's short. I hope you liked it. See you soon my little foreheads;)
~Johana XOXO

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