Chapter 13

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Song: Be Concerned by TØP.

Sorry I haven't updated. It is gonna be harder to update once I start school on Tuesday.

*The next morning*
~Daya's POV~
I woke up and noticed Patrick wasn't next to me. I got up and went to do my daily routine.

*15 minute later*

I walked down stairs and I smelled bacon and eggs.

"Hi honey" said Elisa as she served me breakfast.

"Hey" I smiled weakly to her as I started to eat.

"Are you ok honey?" Elisa asked as she put her had on my back and looked at me.

"Yeah...I don't know to be honest..." I said to her as I looked at her.

"Wanna talk about it?" She asked me. I just nodded.

I told her about what had happened with Pete and Patrick and him wanting to small to me.

"Well...I think you should talk to him...Patrick told me some stuff about why Pete is here...and I think you should here it." She said and she held my hands.

"What did he say?" I asked as I looked at her.

"..I think you should here it from him." She said to me.

"....ok...I think I will give it a try...thank you Aunt Elisa" I smiled at her.

"It's Elisa not aunt Elisa. It makes me sound old." She said playfully as she went to serve her self some coffee.

*The next day*
I felt three people jumping on me as I slept.

" WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL!!" I yelled as I looked at who were on me.

"PATRICK, JOE , ANDY GET. OFF. ME!!" yelled at them as they were laughing their asses off. I call  Joe and Andy by there first name since I do that to Elisa and Patrick.

Once they stopped laughing we talked a little and I made them leave because I needed to get ready.

*15 minutes later*
I walked out of my room and bumped in with Joe.

"Hey Joe" I said as I smiled at him.

"Hey you ready know talking to Pete?"  He asked as he chose his words carefully.

"Um...yeah...I guess..I am little scared." I said as I played with the end of my TØP shirt.

"Don't worry..we'll be there with you the whole time. I promise." he said to me in a calm vice as he pulled me into a hug.

"Ok...thank you Joe"I smiled at him.

"No problem let's go and eat." He said as we walked down stairs.

*3 hours later*

So...we are at the cafe were Patrick decided to mean Pete.

I ordered a small Chi latte and the other just go a regular coffee. We were just sitting in the back of the coffee shop were we would have more space to talk.


I heard the cafe door open and I saw Pete walking in.

Once he ordered is drink he sat in the empty seat between Andy and Joe and I was sitting across from them with Patrick.

"Hi.." Pete said awkwardly to us...well this should be fun...note the sarcasm...

"Hey" they answered back at him with no emotion.

" guess is should start explain..." He said to us.

"Yah." I said as I looked at my drink. I was scared to look at him. I felt Patrick take my hand.

" I said to Patrick. After the incident with Patrick  at the hospital 6 years first I didn't care...then as the months went by...I became so depressed...that I tried to commit suicide...I felt... Empty...I went to a parking lot at a best buy store and cut my wrists open... someone found me after I had cut them open..they rushed me to the hospital and I got treatment..I was in the hospital for 2 weeks..."He said to us as he stared intensely at his drink. He continued to talk.

"Then once I got out if the hospital. I went to rehab..I was there for 2 years. Once they released me. I went home fixed up the house and sold it...I then bought a new house in the safer part of los Angles. I wanted to get better...for you Daya...I came here after all these years to restore my relationship with you...I want to tell you Daya...that I am deeply deeply sorry for what I had done to you 6 years ago...I am such a horrible disgusting person...I know that you will never forgive me...but I hope to at least have you with me...but I am not gonna take you away from Patrick because I know you love it there....and I just want you to be happy." he said as he let tears fall from his eyes. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes...

I looked at Joe and Andy...they were in shock and crying also as they looked at him. I looked over at Patrick and he had tears in His eye but he didn't cry...he just looked at him.

There was just silence..

"I didn't know should have called one of us after you got out." Andy said to him as he wiped away the tears.

"I wanted to...but I was scared that you didn't care." He said as he also wiped away the tears.

" I could have called and told us what had happened." Andy said

"I'm sorry." He said quietly.

"It's ok...but what matters is that you are better..." Said Joe. Pete just nodded his head.

"...why?" I said in a raspy voice.

"Why what?"Pete asked.

"Why did you blame me... for mom's death? Why did you abuse me and take your anger out me?" I asked as I looked at him with anger.

" reminded me of her too much...and the messed me up... alot...but that was the old me...the me when I was stupid and ignorant..." He said as he looked at me with pleading eyes.

"But I was just a child...a little girl that all she wanted was for her father to love and care for her....not beat her and neglect her...especially for him  about to kill her... that's ALL I wanted...but because of YOUR mistakes..I have anxiety...I have insomnia....I can't sleep most nights with out dreaming about YOU hurting me again...and sometimes I dream of you actually being a good father...and when I wake up I cry my eyes out until I have none left..I have depression for all those times you hurt me both physically and mentally.......I can't forgive you for that....but you are still my biological father...and I do want to stay with Patrick because he is my father figure...and it's good that you got help...but for me to forgive you will take a HELL of a long time for that to happen." I said to him as I cried hard. I looked at him with pure anger and sadness.

" I am deeply sorry....I am sorry wasn't a father to you...and I will wait as long ad it take for you to forgive me...even if kills me." He said to me as he cried.

I held onto Patrick's hand tightly

"Okay..." I looked at Patrick " can we go now... I wanna sleep." I said to him.
"Sure." He said to me.

"Thank you...for telling me helps me a little..knowing that you are a better person." I said to him as I got up.

"Thank you for listening...I hope to see you soon." he said to me.

" problem...bye Pete" I said to him as I gave him a small smile. I walked way with Joe , Andy and Patrick behind me as they said to goodbye to Pete.

Well...that just happened...what now??

Read this it is important !!!!!!!!!!
Hewo my little foreheads so..
Long time no see....sorry I just have been busy babysitting a bunch of little kids and just haven't really had time to update. Then I start school on the I will be a lot more I hope you liked it. See you soon my little foreheads love you all. Love you all 💕
~Johana xoxo

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