Chapter 20

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~Daya's POV~

I had blacked out from the pain. I looked around to see I wasn't tied up anymore, instead I was in a dim room with a small dirty window and a old mattress that looked like it was for a toddler. 

I tried to move slowly to the bed, but the stinging pain of my wounds hurt immensely. It was hard to see them in the dim light, but I knew that they were deep. There were so many...What has he done to me?

I whimpered trying to hold back the tears. I slowly got up and saw that my pants were ripped as if a little kid tried to cut them into shorts. I saw bruises and cuts all the way up my legs.

I slid up the wall as I tried to walk, but with every small movement I took it would feel as if I had millions of blazing hot needles jammed into my skin that reached to my bones.

By the time I got to the bed I was sobbing in pain. I laid down to stretch out my back because the pain was unbearable. I felt more stinging got through out my entire back. Of coarse he cut up my back. I need to get out of here.

I laid there for a good 20 minutes thinking about my family and if Brendon was okay and if they know that all this is Pete's fault. The door slowly opened revealing a girl with a first aid kit.   

" told me to come here and heal your cuts that he gave you" She said in a soft but confident voice. She had messy dirty blond hair, Black skinny jeans, black combat boots, and a leather jacket with a black shirt under it.  As if it was a theme she was aims for.

She turned on the light. The brightness stung my eyes since I haven't seen much light for god knows how long.  I was still laying down.

"Can you sit down  please." she said as I slowly sat up. It took me a while but luckily I succeeded with the help of..wait i don't know her name. I don't know why I feel so comfortable around her...I must be oddly traumatised.

"What's your name?" I asked. My voice came out hoarse and dry as if it was pleading for water.

"Vara Bruno. What's your name?" she said as she opened the box. 

"Daya...D-Daya Stump OUUUCH!" I said to her as she began to apply what I am guessing alcohol.

"Stump hu? I thought you were Pete's kid?" she said with curiosity. I scoffed at the though of that.

"Yeah if you call abusing a 7 year old for 2 years being a dad, well then your wrong. Pete isn't my father. He may be my biological father, but in my eyes...he is just a memory that won't go away." I said with bitterness. She was wrapping my stomach and back and started to heal my wounds on my arms, legs, and face.

"Oh I'm sorry, but isn't he like 'sober' or something?" she asked me as she applied alcohol. I winced at every touch of alcohol that went in my wounds.

"Yeah I guess he is...I just get anxiety around him. Ha...I must sound crazy." I said to her.

"How old are you anyways?" she asked and she started to stitch up my wounds.

"I'm 13. What about you?" I asked her as the needle went through my skin. It stung but I guess I have to deal with it.

I know I know I am acting way to calm right now, but I have been taught that I have to stay calm when I am in danger...also because I am in so much pain that if I panic that I will be in more there's that.

"I'm...I'm 20..I m sorry that he kidnapped you..Pete and him just have a long not so good past. " she said as she cleaned me up.

"That's good to know I guess.." I said to her as stared at the ground.

"Yah..well I am gonna go before he starts to wonder why I am taking so long..Bye Daya.." she said as she gave me a soft hug and stood up.

"Bye Vara.." I said to her as she left. I hope she can help me get the hell out of here.


Sorry I took so freaking long I haven't had time to update mostly because I don't have my phone and school kept me really busy. Hope you like it. It is not the best but hey it's something.


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