Chapter 7

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*That same night*
~Pete's POV~

As I walked into my motel room. I laid on top of my bed...crying...crying because I just witnessed my own daughter have an anxiety attack....because of me

I can't believe I didn't this to her...seeing her reaction...pure fear and panic filled her expression.

My poor Daya...I missed 6 years of her life because of my stupid mistakes. I still remember the way she would laugh when she was small...

I miss her laughs, her smile, her hugs, and the facial expressions she would make when ever she would talk about her day.

I miss her morning wake up calls and the tickle fights we would have. The movie nights. The days we would make cupcakes. I daughter.

A year after Patrick took Daya with him I went to rehab for 2 years. At first I didn't care...then I started to feel alone... depressed...empty without Daya.

I have been sober every since. I wanted to get my self straight before I was able to see her again... but now I know that she's petrified of me.

All I want right now is to go back in time and fix my mistakes...but I know that's not happening

I am going fix things between us...even if it takes me years...I am going to try either way.

I am going to get me daughter mater what.

Please read this!!!
Ok so extremely short chapter just to carry the story on. I am sorry for the late update. I have been having trouble writing. I am trying very hard. I swear the next chapter will be better.

~Johana xoxo

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