Chapter 23

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~Pete's POV~
Dallon ,Gerard,Patrick, Andy, Joe, Kenny, and I were currently driving  in Patrick's car to New Jersey from Chicago. Barely any of us had slept as we switch turns driving. Gerard was driving

"Do you think Daya is okay?" Gerard asked

"She's a strong girl." said Patrick as he looked at passing light of New Jersey.

"Okay I will drive from here. Patrick sit in the front with me just in case."

"Sure.." said Patrick as he got in the front passenger seat.

I looked around as I started to drive and recognised the many buildings from when I was last here.

"Okay...let's go.." I said.

~Daya's POV~
I sat there in shock as I tried to process what had just been said to me.

"Daya say something please" whispered Vara.

I didn't say anything. I got up and slowly walked out of the room in which I had been held captive in. Tears continued to roll doll my cheeks.

"Please...say something to me." She said to me in a low voice.

I continued to walk out of the hellish room and stepped into dimmed long hallway.
I didn't bother to look around me. A sudden urge took over my entire body and I bolted it. I ran straight ahead up the dirty old creepy stairs. Tears continued to run down my face.
I slammed the door open and cool fresh crisp air hit my face .

"HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I heard someone yell. I looked and 10 feet away I saw a man pointing a gun  at me.

From behind me I heard Vara say to the man. "Its okay Russel. I got her."

"Ok Vara. Do you need me to inform your father abo-" " I SAID I GOT THIS!" She sternly to Russel as he walked up to her.

"Ok I am sorry. I-I didn't mean to get you angry." He said in a shaky voice as he lowered his head. He quickly left running into the darkness.

"Ok here is the deal. I will let you escape. I will say to my dad that you hit me in the head with a rock and escaped okay." She said to me as she held my shoulders.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked as a tear slipped from my eye.

"Because family doesn't do this to each other and you my dear are family no matter what." She to me as she me in a hug tightly.

"Thank you" I said to her in a low whisper.

We let go of each other as we heard leaves crunching in the distance. 

"Okay quick do it." She said to me.

"I'm so sorry." I said to her as I picked up a rock and hit her on her temple. She fell to the ground. I knew I knocked her once she hit the ground.

I ran past old buildings. Took every turn that my gut was telling me to turn to. I know stupid right.

I came upon an worn down street. I ran across the street not knowing that there was a car coming. The tires screeched to a halt as they bumped my side. I fell to the road as a small pain started to grow on my side rib.

I heard doors slam shut as foot steps headed towards me.

"DAYA!" I heard a familiar voice. I tried to look up at the person, but the head lights were very blinding. They person helped me up off the road.

"Who's there?" I asked as I stood up slowly.

"It's me! Pete!" I looked up at him and with all honesty. I have never been so happy seeing him here. I then heard more doors slam and saw Patrick, Gerard, Dallon, Kenny, Joe, and Andy get out of they car.

"DAYA!" They all yelled as they rushed over to me
"GUYS! OH MY GOD I HAVE MISSED YOU ALL! How are you guys here?" I said as tears started to fill my eyes. Patrick embraced me in a tight hug. I missed his embraced.

"We came looking for you. It was Pete's idea." Said Patrick.

I was about to respond but I then heard barking in the distance. I then knew that they were looking for me.

"We have to go now" I said to them all. I climbed into the car with the others. Gerard got in the driver seat and I sat in the back with Patrick and Pete.

Knowing that Pete came to look for me, knowing that his life probably was on the line. It showed that he did change. I am not saying I completely forgive him, but it's better than being kept a prisoner by you own family...again
I am so sorry guys I took so long to update. I have been having trouble writing. So I am going to Mexico for Month on Sunday and where I am going there is no wifi so I will be writing just not updating and I hope I get something done for you guys also OML 4K READS I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! OK I HAVE TO GO. I LOVE YOU GUYS!
~Johana xoxo

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