Chapter 25

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~Rob's POV~
I was in my book filled office standing in front of my desk.

"She's gone." said Daya as she placed an ice pack on her head.

"How?" I said quietly as I let the anger inside of me build up.

"She was hiding and when I came out. She hit me hard on the side of my head with a rock." She explained. I knew she was lying.

"You. Are. LYING." I yelled as I swooped down towards my desk and violently slid everything to the side as they hit the wall and floor.

You can obviously tell that vara was scared to death. The last time I yelled at her she locked her in her room.

"IT'S THE TRUTH!" she yelled back at me. I stood there looking at her as she looked at me as tears started to form in her eyes.

We sat their looking at each other. Finally after what felt like forever she got up and left.

~Daya's POV~
I woke up on a soft surface. I looked around and saw that I was in my bedroom. I have missed my room so much. I decided to lay in bed soaking in the feeling of comfort because I know it wouldn't last.

I decided to take a shower. I got up and familiar feeling came across my was peace.

As my bare feet touched the cool hardwood floor, shivers went down my spine. I went to my closet and grabbed my underwear, no padding bra, thick sweatpants, and a oversized black shirt that said

"If I could go back to the day we met, I probably would have stayed in bed."

As I quickly got in the shower, a wave of pure relaxation just crashed into my body.

-time skip-

I went down stairs to find Pete and Patrick with a man in a business suit.

I tried to walk past them, but they noticed me as soon as I took the last step.

"Daya! Good morning, how are you feeling?" Asked Patrick as he got up and hugged me.

"Like shit..but I'm happy to be home again." I said to him. My throat was dry so it was hard for me to talk.

In the background I heard the TV get turned up by Pete.

"BREAKING NEWS! PRODUCER PATRICK STUMP'S NEICE HAS BEEN FOUND! Resources claimed that she had been kidnapped by her half uncle Robert Bruno. Who is one of the top 20 drug lords in the country.
The FBI are working with Mr.Stump in order to figure out how to stop Robert Bruno."

I stood there in shock, staring at the TV. How in the hell did they find out so fast.

" How di-" "We decided to tell the news so we can trap Rob, arrest him, and bring him to justice." Said the mysterious man, Who I am assuming is an FBI agent.

" Well I will let you three talk. I'll be on my way. Have a good day." He said as he let him self out. All three of us were alone at last.

" is really happening?" I asked as I went go and sit next to Pete.

"Yes and I will make sure Rob pays" said Pete to me. I looked at him straight in the eyes and said "I hope so because I want to get Vara out of there....she's miserable and I want her out of there."

Pete just nodded as Patrick came to my side and hugged me. As I hugged him back, I saw Pete looking at us with a look in his eyes. It was noticeable that he wanted what Patrick and I had.

I have to admit, I do miss his hugs and the way he would tighten his arms around me, so I would feel safe. I then let go of Patrick and sat there straighting at Pete. I felt tears forming in my eyes. I saw that tears were forming in Pete's eyes also. I felt a hand behind my mid back. I turned to Patrick and saw him nod as if he knew what I wanted most at that time.

Finally I instantly looked at Pete and saw that the tears from his eyes had fallen to his cheeks. I finally let the tears fall, and I crashed into his arms.

He instantly wrapped his arms around me. I let out loud sobs. I heard him sob into my shoulder. It was a moments that felt as if it was going in slow motion. I felt such a relief in my soul. I knew then that I was able to trust him enough to hug him and call him dad again.

"Daddy..I missed you.." I said in between sobs.

"I missed you too baby girl...I missed you too." He said in a low hoarse voice. He planted long kisses on the side of my head.  Which made me cry even more. I felt him pick me up and cradle my like a baby.

We had stayed there for a long time. After a while longer , we had let go of each other's embrace. I looked at him and his eyes were blood shot from crying. His face was drowsy, but he still had small smile on his face. I smiled at him.

"Daddy?" I said in a raspy voice.

"Yes baby girl?" He responded. I pondered on my question.

"Can we make some cupcakes?" I said to him as a small tear slipped down my cheek.

He was so surprised that he cried again.

"Yes babygirl we can. You can have as many as the world will offer." He said as he wiped a stray tear from my face.

"I'll get the kitchen ready." Said Patrick. I was so in the moment that I had forgotten he was there.

I looked at him and saw that he was smiling as tears fell from his eyes, looking at the both of us knowing he had just witnessed something beautiful.

Haha..hiii just gonna be honest with you...I was to lazy and tired to update. I have school and weekends to sleep in for...Soo...sorry...but I did miss you guys alot. I hope you guys are okay. I love you guys so much if you guys are actually reading these. I hope you have a wonderful day or life stay strong, stay classy, stay you
~johana xoxo

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