Chapter 12

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Don't play the song yet wait till I say!

~Daya's POV~
I was in my room listening to Lovely by TØP. I couldn't sleep...again. This time I actually have reason a not to.

Patrick told me that Pete wanted to talk to me about why he is here and that he actually agreed with Pete for the first time since he has been here. He told me to think about it and not to worry that Uncle Hurley, Him, And Uncle Joe were going to be there with me.

I don't really know what to do to be honest. I wanna know why he is here but I am just to scared for what he might do. What if he wants to take me back with him and he starts to hurt me again?

"M-mom? If you can hear me...please...h-help me. Pete is trying to come back into my life...I-I can't let him in... i-it's to risky. After w-what he did...he hurt me..he blamed me for your death...please Mommy I need you right now... me through this." I said to my self as I sobbed in my pillow... I just wanna die right now...I feel like a burden to everyone.

I can't do it anymore...I can't deal with the emptiness inside me...I lie to everyone by saying that I am doing great or that I am happy. I have been every since he took me in.

I have self harmed a few times on my one knows that.

"I ca-n't do this. I can't do th-is anymore. I wan-na die. I can't do this anymore. I can't. I can't. Yes I can.NO I can't. YES I can. GET OUT OF MY HEAD! GET OUT!!Happy thoughts happy thou- HELP!!!"  I was having an anxiety attack. I can't control it! I need Patrick.

"HELP ME PLEASE!" I yelled into my pillow as my breathing quickened. I was a mess..I have always been

"HAPPY THOUGHTS HAPPY THOUGHTS! HE-E-ELP! PATRICK!" I finally yelled out. I hate my self I hate what I have become. I HATE everything about myself.

I sat up on my bed as I stared to rock back and forth as I held my knees up to my chest. My breathing was getting deeper and quicker. I was getting light headed. Tear were still pouring out of my eyes.

"!" I yelled with pure rage mixed with pure sadness.

I heard my door burst opened. I knew it was Patrick. I felt my self get lifted into Patrick's lap. I was still breathing fast and deep.

"Breath Daya breath. It's okay I am here. Uncle Patrick is here just breeeeath." He cooed into my ear.

I was starting to calm down a little. He started to sing When you can't sleep at night by Of Mice & Men (A/N play the song above^ I actually love this song. I can relate to it alot.)

" Here in this world I'm awaked with mistakes
But it's love that keeps fueling me
Fueling me

Pretty little lady with the swollen eyes
Would you show them to me?
I know I'm not that perfect
But you stay awhile
Baby, then you will see

Miles away I can still feel you
Lay your head down on my embrace
My embrace
Far away

Pretty little lady with the swollen eyes
Would you show them to me?
I know I'm not that perfect
But you stay awhile
Baby, then you will see

Don't give up, baby
I know that it's shaky
Just let love consume us
Consume us...

Here in this world I'm awaked with mistakes
But it's love that keeps fueling me
Fueling me to love you

Miles away I can still feel you
Lay your head down on my embrace
Be not afraid to love me

Pretty little lady with the swollen eyes
Would you show them to me?
I know I'm not that perfect
But you stay awhile
Baby, then you will see" he sang the last part of the song softly and beautifully.

I was calm in his embrace.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked as he played with my hair. I nodded my head.

"Ok." He said as he hugged my tightly.
"...Why did he have to come back into my life again? Why did she have to die?....I-I just feel like. Burden to you, everyone...I feel so empty... like life doesn't even have any meaning anymore...I slap on a fake smile everyday...hoping things will get better...but never seem to...why did this have to happen to me Patrick..Why did my dad abuse me and blame me for my mom's death"...Why did my mom die?...Why do I hate myself so much?...Why do I have to live knowing that all I do is fuck up things..Why?" I said as I cried silently.

"First of all you are not a burden to anyone. We all love you and that will never change no matter what. Everyone goes through things we all have our insecurities..our problems. You dad just didn't take it the right way and you mom would be happy if she saw how strong you are..even if you don't see it...she is watching over you no matter what... because you are her baby girl. Also you don't fuck things up. We are all human that's what we do best...but you my darling are the most amazing, beautiful, funny, caring,smart, and loveable person I have ever me...please don't change for anyone.. promise?" He said to me as a hugged him.

"....promise.." I said in a low voice to him.

" time for you to sleep.", He said.

"Ok....hey Pat?" I said to him as he gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Yah?" He responded.

"C-Can you stay with me tonight?.... please..? I asked.

"Yah sure boo" he said as he laid down next to me and pulled me into his embrace.

"Goodnight you" I said groggily.

"Goodnight Daya...sweet dreams I love you more." He said ad I fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sorry again for taking so long. I hope you like the chapter..I have been busy lately and a lot is happening. So yah...welp I am gonna go now. I love you my little foreheads
~Johana XOXO

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