chapter 2

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That is Christine ^
Song: Ribs- Lorde
Idk if you have heard that song but this song I have been listening to it while writing this and the ideas kept coming as I listened to this song. Enjoy😊
~Pete's POV~
I called Patrick Joe and Andy and told then what had happened. They said that they were gonna meets us at the hospital. Christine's parents died when she was small and she didn't know any other family,so I knew it was just going to be us at the hospital.

~30 minutes later~
We arrived at the hospital. I quickly got Daya out of her car seat and held her in my arms as I ran to the  front desk in the hospital.

"I am here for Christine Wentz I am her husband Pete Wentz" I said to the front desk lady.  She gave me a sympathetic look.

"Room 115 on the third floor" she said to me. Wait the third floor? That's the floor for the patients in a coma. I need to hurry.

"Ok thank you"I said as I ran off.

I quickly ran to the elevator while holding Daya tightly in my arms. The elevator doors opened. I got in and pressed the third floor button.

"Daddy I am still gonna be able to make mommy her cupcakes?" She said in a low innocent voice.

"I don't think so honey...mommy is really hurt right now..." I said quietly as I held her tightly in my arms as if she was going to slip away from my grip. I knew she scared I was too.

The elevator door finally opened. Without waisting another second I ran out of the elevator and quickly looked for her room.

Once I found her room I opened the door. I was too scared to look at her. I didn't want to see her like this. I put down Daya. She ran to her mother's side. I knew she was going to be scared seeing her mom with all those tubes and wires in her.

"Mommy? Mommy are you sleeping?" Daya started to shake Christine's arm. She didn't answer. Daya started to cry "MOMMY PLEASE WAKE UP! MOMMY PLEASE!" I ran to Daya's side and picked her up. I couldn't stop crying...All I wanted right now was to wake up from this nightmare and see my beautiful wife and amazing daughter next to me laughing as they drew on my face like back then.

Shortly after Patrick Joe and Andy came in with worried expressions. Once they saw Christine they started to tear up.

They went to mine and Daya's side and hugged us for support.

Five minutes later a doctor which I assume is Dr.Wright came in and greeted us all.

"Hello my name is Dr.Wright"he shook each if our hands "As you can see Mrs.Wentz is in a coma. She has 4 broken ribs sadly one rib punctured her right lung which cause some internal bleeding and her brain has some major swelling due to the impact of the semi truck. She also broke many parts of arms and legs. But she is in critical condition." Dr.Wright explained to each of us while Daya was playing with her shirt on Andy's lap. She ways did that when ever she was scared.

"Thank you Doctor we really appreciate everything you have done. Do you know when she is going to wake up?" I asked nervously.

"We don't know when she will respond. It can take day, weeks, months, may even years we don't know yet. We will just have to wait and see"said the doctor.

"Ok thank you Doctor" I said as i started get to get worried about my wife.

~15 minutes later~

I heard Daya whisper something to Joe. I didn't really pay attention to it all I wanted was for Christine to wake up.

"Pete want me to go and take Daya to the cafeteria? She says that she's hungry" Asked Joe. I totally forgot to feed Daya.

"Um. Yes please I need some time to process this" I said as I walked over to Daya and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Joe and Andy walked out of the room with Daya leaving Patrick alone with me and Christine

"Pete are you going be able to take care of Daya while Christine is in this state?" Asked Patrick

"I Don't know to be honest." I said. I was starting to get irritated with all this questions. I don't know why...but I was.

"I can help you if yo-" "NO! I can take care if Daya by my self." I interrupted Patrick. Does he really think I can't take care of my own child?

"Ok...I am always here if you want to talk..ok?" Said Patrick in a soft voice.

"Ok.." I said quietly as I tried to calm down.

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