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HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE! Thank you for sticking around after i have been crappy at updating. This years has been rough for me i Gained and Lost some family and friends. I have tried to end my life many times but I had people there helping me and supporting me. Writing has given me a healthy way to release my emotions.

 I want to give out a VERY VERY special  shout out to my real life best friend -funghoul 

I love her will al my heart . She has taught not to give a fuck about what people say. she has taught me how to love my self. She is the most amazing, loving, supportive, beautiful, and perfect person i could ever ask for. Her and some of my other REALLY close friends have helped me through alot. Even when I was an annoying bitch to them. Me and -funghoul have only fought once and the was one of the worst moments this year. I am so FREAKIN happy that I got her back. I LOVE YOU -funghoul WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I hope you all have an amazing 2k17. I love you all! Stay alive, Stay sassy, Stay classy, Stay beautiful, Stay confident, Stay...You<3 

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