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~3 months later~
~Daya's POV~
It has been three months since I came back home. The bond between my dad and I has grown over time, but it's still a work in progress.

I moved in with my dad about a week ago. I felt the need to since it seemed that Patrick really wanted us to rebuild our relationship even after many events that happened between us. I still visit Patrick and his family every so often. I still love them and I will forever be grateful for what they did for me. They took me in as their own while I was in a extremely dark period in my life

Andy, Joe, and the others still need some time to warm up to him. I can tell that Andy and Joe really did miss him, but I think they are still caught on to past.

A month after my escape from my kidnapping, Rob and his 'gang' we're caught and thrown into prison. Turns out that Vara had turned them in after they tried planning on taking me again and shooting Patrick, my dad, Brendon, and everyone else I know. They were charged with kidnapping, running an illegal drug ring, human trafficking, murder, attempt of murder and assault. They are spending 30 years in prison. Vara was sentenced 12 years in prison and was assigned a parole officer due to her being somewhat apart of even though she was practically forced to be part of it, since her dad was the leader if it all.

There were many trials, but in the end everything turned out good, well for some of us.

I do still get panic attacks, I am still taking my pills, but the nightmares no longer come to me at night. I know that I am safe and I know that I am loved. There will be obstacles along the way, but I know I can overcome them.


Hey guys long time no see. I have decided to end the book here. I have no idea if your guys will like it, but to me it felt like the right thing to do by ending it here. If you hate the ending well the I am sorry. I will always here for you guys and I am honestly so fucking grateful that some many if you actually read my book. I love you all very much. Stay strong. Stay weird. Stay amazing. Stay you. Johana here checking out😉♥♥

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