Chapter 17

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Hey guys sorry no updating in a while. Most things have gotten better. I started to see a therapist last week which has been helping me alot, but my parents just don't know...yah anyways I hope you like this chapter:)

*Daya POV*
*The next day*
I woke up feeling sick, so Patrick told me to stay in bed. He was working with Twenty One Pilots on their upcoming tour in Europe

*Knock knock*

"Come in" I said in a groggy voice. Brendon walked in. I haven't seen him in a while.

"Hey darling I heard you weren't feeling well" He said as he sat next me.

"Yah.." I said as I looked at my hands.

There was brief silence in the room for a while.

"So...I heard what happened last night." He said quietly. I didn't respond and just kept looking at my hands that laid on the dark pastel blue sheets.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked as he tried to get me to look up. I just shook my head not wanting to talk about it.

"Ok" He said knowing that he shouldn't push the subject. I laid my head on his shoulder as sign that I wasn't mad.

"Do you to go out and get ice cream?" He asked as he nudged me a little.

"Please" I said in a low whisper voice.

"Ok get ready." He said as he gave me a side hug. He got up and left closing the door as he left.

I quickly just put on some black yoga pants and a black shirt and my red vans. I threw my hair up in a messy bun.

I got down stairs were Brendon was watch a bit on t.v.

"Ready?" He asked as he turned of the t.v and stood up.

"Yeah." I said. My voice is hoarse from..well..last night.

We got in the car and drive off to the ice cream parlor.

*10 minutes later*

We arrived at "Cold Stone." I love their ice cream.

We walked in and looked at what we wanted.

"What are you gonna get?" Asked Brendon as he looks at the menu.

"Um..the mint mint chocolate chip. What about you?" I asked.

"Double Chocolate Brownie" he said to me as the worker asked us what we wanted.

Once we got our ice cream we sat down outside.

"So how's Panic doing?" I asked as I took a spoonful of the ice cream.

"They're doing good. We are going on tour in March." he said as he ate some ice cream.

"That's cool." I said as I looked out the window.

"Yeah. How was school this year?" He asked.

"Meh boring...stressful. I'm just happy that it's over." I said as I took another spoonful of ice cream.

"How come? Well yah I understand that school is horrable trust be been there done that, but isn't there some good things that you liked about it?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders " I guess, there's people that don't know when to stop bothering me." I said as I leaned on the table.

"Bothering you? What kind of bothering?" He asked.

"There are just these group of girls there that won't stop bothering." I said without importance.

"Did they hurt you in any way?" He asked me. He was concerned of me. I love that about Brendon he would do anything for they people he cares about.

"Yah a few-" "A FEW?" He said as he interrupted me in mid sentence.

"Yah I just got a few cuts and bruises it don't matter" I said without any care.

"Yes it does Daya. Your safety and happiness is what we care care about. Me, Patrick,Elisa, Declan Joe, Andy, Dallon, and many many MANY more. Even your da-" "Pete doesn't care about me safety ok he never did and he never wi-"


I was interrupted by gun shots. Their was screaming from all over the Ice cream parlor. Glass shattering was heard.

"DAYA GET DOWN!" yelled Brendon as he grabbed me and pulled my down with him.

We were laying in the floor. Everything was silent. Except for glass being stepped on.

The crying of children as their parents trying to calm them down. Friend trying to stay calm for their sake.

"DAYYYAAAA COME OUT COME OUT WHERE EVER YOU ARE!" Said a deep raspy voice. What the hell? How do they know me?!

I looked at Brendon with a panicked look. He did the same to me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to him and wrapped his arms around me for protection.


Gunshot went off. People screamed and cried even more.

The foot steps got closer and closer towards me and Brendon. Luckily we were hid behind the counter, so they wouldn't see us.

My heart was beating so hard that I could hear it.

" LOOKS LIKE DADDY RAN OUT OF TIME!" His voice boomed through out the room. What the hell does my dad have to do with this.

There we hundred of questions running through my head.

The footsteps got closer...and closer until they stopped behind the counter.

"ennie meany Miny MOW!" He said as he shot at the wall we were facing. I yelped in fear and buried my self even more into Brendon. I began to cry.

"Gotcha" he said as he slowly walked around the counter like a cheetah hunting it's pray.

He laughed in a evil and creepy way.
(A/n a pic of him is up there^ I literally looked up hot evil dude and this bad boy popped up)

Brendon tried to fight him. He pushed me back as he stood up and punched him is the face.

The man stumble back little. He wiped a bit of blood of from his lip. He chuckled as he looked back up at Brendon.

His face grew hard as we all heard police sirens in the distance.

He threw a punch that was 2 times harder and faster at Brendon. Brendon fell to the floor and blacked out.

"Now you are coming with me darling. Either we do this the easy way or the hard way." He said a deep raspy voice as he grabbed me by my arm.

I tried to fight back, but he alot stronger than me.

"Fine then the hard way it is." He said to me. With handle of his gun he slammed it on the side of my head and darkness took over.

Want You Back// A Pete Wentz FicWhere stories live. Discover now