Chapter 8

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*One Week Later*
~Daya's POV~
It has been a week since I last seen him. I having been having trouble sleeping. My mind racing with thoughts flying everywhere.

It's 10:30 PM and I am walking back from the store. Patrick sent me to go and buy some Ice Cream and chips from the market a few blocks down.

Elisa and Declan went to a Mother and Son convention in San Diego, so it's just Patrick and I for the rest of the week.

I was instantly pulled into the alley next to a motel by a drunk man that looked like he was in his 30's. His shirt was disgusting and his hair was everywhere.

"Well look who we has here." Said a man that smelled like alcohol and B.O. He held me against the wall by my neck as I tried to free my self.

"LET ME GO!! HELP PLEASE HELP ME!!" I yelled as the man punched me in the stomach.

"Shut it you skank!" He spat as he pulled me into the alley. He tried to to put his hands up my shirt but I didn't let him.

"HEY LET HER GO!" I heard a familiar voice yell from the entrance if the alley.

The man stopped trying and turned as he held me against his disgusting body.

He then held a knife against my throat. I was now crying. I was scared for my life.

"HELP ME PLEASE! HE HAS A KNIFE!" I yelled at the voice. He then came I to the was... Pete..

"Pete." I said to my self. I have never been so relieved to see him...what a strange have towards someone you hate.

"Awwwww what are you gonna do. I have a knife and you don't." Said the man as he slurred his words.

"Let my daughter go NOW!" Yelled Pete. As he charged ran towards the man and I.

Next thing I knew I am now lying on the ground. I turned my head to see Pete in top of the man throwing punches at his face.

I instantly got a flashback.


I was in the corner of my bedroom scared. I had broke a cup when I was washing dishes. I cleaned it up before he got home and noticed.

*Bang bang bang* I heard him pound in my door.

"OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW YOU LITTLE SHIT!!! I heard him yell through the door.

I did what he told me to do. I slowly opened the door but he violently  pushed it opened and hit me in the face in the process.

"WHY DID YOU BREAK THIS CUP!!" He yelled as threw me on the floor.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry." I sobbed.

"SORRY ISN'T GOING TO CUT IT!" He yelled as he started to throw punches at me.

*End of flashback*

I am was shaking violently in the corner of the alley.

Pete walked over to me and crouched down to my level. He tries to touch my hand but I flinched away.

"Are" He quietly asked.

I didn't respond. I just sat there...shaking in fear...scared that he was going to hurt me again.

"You want to walk back to your house?" He asked in a soft voice.

I just nodded my head...not making any eye contact with him. I quickly stood up and started to walk.
He followed next to me.

*5 minutes later*

I finally reached my house. The ice cream and chips were left back in the alley...I didn't care all I wanted was to get away for...him...sure he saved me for that disgusting man...but he still did what he did...he broke me into pieces.

Patrick instantly opened the door and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. He still hasn't noticed Pete behind me.

"Oh my god Daya honey where were you!" He said as he let go of me. Before I could answer Patrick finally noticed Pete behind me.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!!" Yelled Patrick at Pete.

"I brought her home....She was attacked by a drunken man as I was walking back to my motel room. I-I saved her from him" Pete said as Patrick stepped towards him ready to punch him.


"PATRICK! BE HAPPY HE WAS THERE!OK! HE SAVED ME AT LEAST CUT HIM SOME SLACK" I yelled as they looked at me in shock for my out burst.

"...ok..." Was all that he said as he walked back over to me. I saw Pete smile.

"Don't think this fixes anything between us...goodbye.. Pete" said to Pete as his smile slowly faded.

"Ok... goodbye Daya... goodnight" said Pete as he walked away.

"Did he hurt you" asked Patrick as he brought me inside.

I just shook my head saying no.

" you want to head to bed?" Patrick asked. I just nodded my head as I looked at the floor.

"Ok... goodnight honey...remember to take you medication..ok?" He said as he hugged me again.

"Ok...goodnight Patrick" I said in a low voice. I took my medication and went up to my room. I quickly took a shower since I could smell the B.O for the disgusting man.

Why did this have to happen to me?...Why can't I live a normal life and be normal person without any mental illness...but then again.... nobody is normal.

I was slowly falling asleep but my mind was wide awake...I can't stand my mind doing this to me... it's slowly killing TØP said..."Sometimes to stay alive...You have to kill your mind."

Sorry for the late update. I haven't had time to writing since school for me is starting soon....yah ok so hope you enjoyed it. Love you all❤❤❤

~Johana xoxo

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