Chapter 18

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MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I hope you like the Chapter and I love you guys so much seriously. Enjoy :) Also I am good going to keep Mark Pellegrino aka Lucifer from Supernatural because I can actually see him (lucifer) doing this...also because he is hot asf lmao. Ok now you can continue

*In Daya's dream*

I was staring up at the bright blue sky. The grass was soft and tall. The white flowers slowly moved to the soft breeze. Birds were chirping happily as they flew across the fields. The leaves on the tree rustled as the wind blew softly. 

I felt at peace...I felt relaxed.

I sat up and in the distance I saw a figure. It was a woman wearing a white dress. She was beautiful. I ran towards her.

As I got closer and closer. I was able to see her clearly. She mom...

I ran as fast as I could towards her as tears of joy flowed out of my eyes. I was finally able to her her again after years of missing her hugs, her laugh, her smile,I miss...My mom..

Once I reached her we clashed into a hug. It was not just once of those hugs. It was one of those hugs in which time stops and everything around you just freezes in place. One of those hugs that just come once in a lifetime. The ones that you don't ever want to let go. 

"Mom! Oh my god you have no idea how much I've missed you. I love you so much mommy."  I said with such pure love and happiness. I was still crying into my mom's shoulder 

" I missed you even more baby girl. I am so sorry that I left you." She said as she pulled me away to see me. She out both her hands on my face. She cupped my face as tears flowed out of her eyes too.

 " I am sorry your father did what he did all  those years ago. It had filled me with such rage when I saw that happen ...but he has changed. I have seen what happened to him after Patrick took you away for him. I-It was awful...but then I saw what you had to go through after he took you away...and that broke me even more, but I know that you can make it through okay. I know that you can control your demons okay. I know that you are way more stronger than you think Daya. You are my daughter and I know that you can do this. But Daya you have to try to forgive your father for what he did okay...he loves you with all his heart." She said to me as she looked at me in the eyes. 

"Okay mom...I am going to try to do it for you...I love you so much mom. Please visit me when you can Please." I pleaded.

"I will try my baby girl. I love you so much." she said as she disappeared. 

"I love you more" I said as everything was going dark.

*End Of Dream*

 I woke up from my dream in a unfamiliar room. I was tied to a old chair. The room was very dim. The walls were old and torn up.  I was a bit drowsy still.

The door slammed open to reveal the bastard that had kidnapped me. 

 "GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!" he yelled  (^pic above)

"W-where am I?" I asked him as I tried to picture out my surroundings.

"Sooomewhere" He said as he slowly walked around with his hands behind his back.

"What do you want from me?!" I said as I started to get annoyed. I squirmed in my seat trying to get free. He stopped in front of me as he placed both his hands on the arms rest and got close to my face.

"I want your pathetic father to give me the money that owes me. If not well... lets just say that he might not be a father by the end of the month." he said in a deep  creepy voice.  I was shaking. I felt the blood in my face drain. 

"P-please d-don't kill me please I beg you." I said as I started to cry.

"Oh honey I am not gonna kill you yet. To pass time how about I torture you instead hm?" He said as he walked to the back of the room.

"NO NO PLEASE" I yelled as tears started to run down even more.

" Is that a yes I hear?! Oh well...If you insist" He said as he came back with a dozen knives and a smirk plastered on his face.

"No no NO NO!" I screamed as he came closer and closer as he sharpened the knife in his hand.

He let out an evil laugh as he started to drag the knife on my skin. I let out a blood curling scream.

"HAHAHA now this is fun." he said after many more deep cuts he engraved into my skin. 

"Please stop." I said in a weak low groggy voice.

"Aw but the fun just started. How about so more?" He said to me as he went to grab a different knife.

"no please stop" I said as I felt light headed. i saw that he was heating up the knife.

"Is the a yes I keep hearing. Ok then more it is." he said as he placed the burning hot knife on my skin. 

I screamed out with agony and pain. That's when I blacked out. I had endured so much pain that my body had just shut down. The last thing I saw was his face plastered with a smirk.


Sorry for the very last update. I was gonna up date on Christmas but I got hella busy with family and stuff. I love you guys so much. Stay beautiful,  Stay classy, stay sassy, stay you, Stay alive


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