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Lauren's POV

I hate airplanes.

I hated them since.....Well since the first time I ever got on a airplane.

You have no idea how grateful and thankful I was when we landed. I was flying. Not literally.

After we got off the plane and picked up our luggage, we headed outside where Jayden said a car would be waiting for us.

The car was a shiny black. It reflected the moon's light very smoothly. It was simply AMAZING!! Honestly, could someone love cars that much and still not have one. Oh ya, that's me.

Jayden, for some reason, had the keys. I mean you could afford this car but not a driver for one night?? But then, maybe he likes driving. I would have offered to drive myself, but I was exhausted and my headache wasn't helping one bit.

I got into the front seat of the car, and Jayden took his place in the driver's seat. "Seatbelt, Lauren," he said. Oops- I forgot to buckle my seatbelt, how did he-

"SURPRISE!!!!" shrieked a girl out of some place called nowhere. Nowhere being the back seat of the car. I jumped out of my seat in shock and surprise; if I wasn't wearing my seatbelt, I could have jumped out the window.

Jayden seemed to have a similar but less defensive reaction. He was surprised but composed himself fairly quickly.

Honestly, I wouldn't even be that scared out of my wits if we were back home. It seemed like a thing Amy would do, but this was so unexpected like girl-who are you.

"Mia, what on earth are you doing?? You scared the hell out of both of us," he paused between each word. It definitely created a menacing effect.

"I'm surprising you Jayden, don't act so surprised".

"No,wait. I take that back - act surprised Jayden. Oh- hey Lauren". She extended her hand and I reluctantly shook it. How does she know my name??

"I'm Mia, Jayden's sister by the way". She then came up to him and kissed him on the cheek. I was surprised he didn't push her away. "Welcome back, big bro. Missed ya."

"Not sure the feeling is mutual," he said. She gave him a glare and he continued: " I mean I've been gone for a longer time than this."

She eyes him suspiciously for a second then said: "Yes, you have." Not a second later she changed back to her cheerful tone and said: "Soooo, where are you taking us??"


" Is Lauren coming with us??"


"Where is she going to stay then??"


"Someone's mad," said Mia. "You see Lauren, whenever Jayden gets mad he starts giving you one word answers. To cheer him up, I made a game out of it. Take every word he said and make a sentence out of it, so that makes it..."

"Home no hotel," I said. She smiled mischievously at me and said: "Exactly.You hear that Jayden??"

I could tell Jayden was not happy with his sister. Not one bit.

"Mia, I'm driving you home."

"And that's exactly how you get him to talk properly. I think we're gonna be good friends Lauren."

"Yeah, me too. I'm really just curious, but how do you know my name?" I asked her.

"Oh, I'm a fan of your band. Plus, Jayden can't stop talking about you." I blushed at that. Both her explanations were flattering. I looked at Jayden and he was blushing too. He then embarrassingly said: " I only mentioned you a few times,  and it was business."

"Yeah, yeah, off course,"Mia said.

Mia and Jayden continued their silly arguments till they reached their house. Mia got out of the car and the said: "It was nice to meet you Lauren, we'll meet again soon."

"I hope so, and nice to meet you too."

"Goodbye then; and Jayden don't be late, okay??" she smiled mischievously at him.

He gave her an I'm-gonna-deal-with-you-later look and drove away. "Your sister seems fun."

"There's a thin line between fun and annoying."

"I hope I meet her again soon."

"Don't worry, you will. Mia is the type of people who likes to stick around."

"Haha... Well, I do need a new friend in a new town so why not??"

We didn't talk much after that; I could tell we were both exhausted.  He dropped me off at the hotel after he managed all the paperwork with the hotel staff. "Okay Lauren, tomorrow at 9:00, I need you to be at this place. 9:00 sharp, your new boss doesn't like late candidates," he said while handing me a card with an address typed on it.

"Okay, thanks."

"Welcome anytime. Bye Lauren," he said and he turned around and started to leave.

"Umm.... Jayden," I said and he turned around to look at me.

"Thank you.....for everything."

He gave me a smile, and I smiled back at him. With both of us smiling, he left the hotel.

I went up to my hotel room. I took a shower, changed into my pajamas, then  texted Dani. After about 45 minutes, I told her I had to sleep. I had a big day tomorrow. However, I remembered what Jayden said about mentioning me a few times and I smiled at the thought.

Hey guys,
If you're reading this please comment and vote- I wanna know if anyone is actually reading this. What's your opinion?? Should I continue with the story??

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