Ch.13 The Fitting Room

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Lauren's POV:

She had a neat short haircut, parted on the side with a side fringe. Her hair was colored white, probably because of old age.

She wore a black top with long sleeves and a pinkish/purple wool skirt that reached under her knee. She also wore a golden belt and black nylon tights. For her shoes, she wore black pointed-toe pumps.

Overall, she looked.....good?? She was pretty, that part was obvious. It was that look in her eyes....arrogance?? Pride?? I couldn't name it but I was sure it was there. And it wasn't good.

She looked at us like she was disgusted, then walked over to Ashley who was sitting in the chair closest to Mrs.Venezuelda. She looked at her, assessing her from head to toe then said: "Approved." Ashley kept an expressionless face and I loved her for it. If she would have smiled or thanked her, it would only add to her arrogance.

"Take her to the fitting room and take her measurements. I want the measurements of every approved girl at my desk by the end of the day." She then walked over to Lilith. She wasn't impressed with either Lilith or Ashley and to be honest, they were the prettiest between all of us.

After approving Lilith, Cecilia, Abigail, and Kayla, she moved on to me. She looked at me and studied me. It felt very......revealing. I felt naked. Is that even a feeling?? The feeling of nudity. Thankfully, I wasn't wearing a tight top, and so she didn't stare as long when it came to my upper body. "Approved." She stared at me, and I held my gaze. I hate arrogance. And more than that, I hate inferiority. She finally dropped her gaze, but before she moved on Lydia, she said: "I like you fashion style."

I blushed at that, did a fashion designer  just compliment my style?? Oh, and it was not any random fashion designer, it was VANESSA FREAKIN VENEZUELDA. I mean, I have always been the fashionista of the group, but I never thought my style was that good. Like Vanessa good.

After that, the overdressed cliché secretary diected me to the 'fitting room' which looked nothing like an actual fitting room. First, they let me take my clothes off, I was only left in my underwear. Then I changed my underwear into another underwear they supplied. "To avoid any misreadings of measurements," she explained.

They measured EVERYTHING. Like literally. There were three girls. Two of them took the measurements and the other one noted them down. The length of leg. The width of my shoulders. The diameter of my head. The length of my hair. Every single thing. It felt so very intimidating.

When the girl reached my hand, she asked me to straighten my fingers. I straightened them as much as I could, but in case you didn't know, I have crooked fingers. It's something I inherited from my dad's side. "What is wrong with your fingers??" She asked. 

"Wrong?? Nothing is wrong with them. They're just different."

She stared at me for a few seconds before she continued to take measurements of my hands.

After they finished taking their measurements, I changed back into my underwear and clothes. Glad not to feel naked anymore.

When I went back to the stage room, I saw that Ashley was on a stand in her underwear. I assumed that Vanessa - I decided to call her Vanessa in my head as Venezuelda was too long - was assigning her outfits, as she was looking at her catalogue and Ashley repeatedly. After much time, she said: " No, I think this outfit looks better on the blondie."  

Mia was busy giving Vanessa her  opinion that it took her some time to realize I was in the room. When she did, however, she smiled at me then looked at her watch. She whispered the something to Vanessa then said: " 30-minute lunch break."

She motioned for me to come over and I headed towards her. "What's up??" I asked.

"Have you spoken to Jayden today??"

", is everything okay??"

"Yeah, absolutely. Just asking."

"Hey since you're already here, can you please give him these??" She handed me a few blue and yellow folders. Why would she do that?? I mean, this girl has her own secretary. I gladly took folders though, I was looking forward to meeting Jayden.

"He works on the eleventh floor, second door to the left."


I headed towards the door to leave. However,  before I left Mia said: "Hey Lauren," her face suddenly turned all serious and I wondered what she would say next. "Yeah?"

"Thank you."

"Umm.....welcome?" It came out more like question than a statement. It looked like she was thanking me for something that was more than taking the folders, though I had no idea what it was.

I headed towards the elevator and swiped my card through the swipe machine then pressed the 11th button. I turned left after I got out of the elevator.

The walls were also white here. White walls, white doors, white tiles. It looked purely amazing. And clean. The only difference compared to the 9th floor was the portraits of several employees in the company. There were so many of them. And there was also Jayden.

He looked younger in this picture, his smile was broader and it definitely reached his eyes. His perfect white teeth added beauty to his bright smile. The bags that were under his present eyes had no trace in the picture. And above all, he looked happier. Lighter. So much like........Mia.

"Enjoying what you're looking at??"

His voice sounded through the white silence. Oops. Caught in the act. I turned around stiffly and slowly, embarrassment flooding my cheeks.

"Didn't know they hung portraits of employees on the walls."

"They do.....but only for the best." I rolled my eyes jokingly at that. "The best at what? The best employee at talking to cars: Jayden Harlem."

He chuckled at that. It made me smile. "So what are you doing here??"

"Oh, Mia sent me here to give you these folders," I said, remembering the actual reason I was here. I then handed him the folders.

"Mia sent you??" he asked surprisingly. He then frowned as in deep thought. He opened the folders and looked through them. He didn't actually read  anything, just turned the pages. Same way I do when I pretend to be studying.

"Yeah, she did."

"Okay, thanks for the folders. Would you like to come in?" He pointed at his office.

"I'm having a 30 minute lunch break and I don't wanna miss it. How about you come down to the cafeteria and we can have lunch together??"

"Sounds great. Just wait a sec." He entered the office and spoke to someone, probably his secretary then came back outside. "Let's go have lunch."

Hey guys,
  I'm thinking of adding cast members to the characters. What do you think?? And can you give me suggestions on which cast should play which character??

XOXO- twice-upon-a-time
Hey guys,
If you're reading this please comment and vote- I wanna know if anyone is actually reading this. What's your opinion?? Should I continue with the story??

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