Ch.18 I'm A Mess

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Hey guys,
I was thinking about writing the next chapter in Mia's POV, so how would you like that?
Plus, I've already added one cast member. Do you think it suits the character?? I already have another cast member ready so be ready!!

Suggest in the comments, please!!

Thank you ~twice-upon-a-time

Lauren's POV:

As much as I love fashion and all that crap, I despised the photo shoot.

One word to describe how I felt: Conflicted.

I felt betrayed by Jayden.

I felt jealous of Ms.Clark.

I felt kind of not happy, but positive towards the idea of Jayden planning to ask me out but:

MAD at him for playing with my feelings all that while.


At the end of the photo shoot, I was really mad for being treated like a doll. I know I probably sound like a nagging child since I accepted the position in the first place but........nothing goes right when a guy decides to get into your life. Then stab you in the back.

I know that Jayden and I weren't even together - and neither one of us admitted to like the other. And we've met less than a week ago. But I could feel the magic in the air when he was around. I could also feel how he cheers up when he sees me. And most of all, I could hear myself LAUGH OUT LOUD in public when he's around. That was a definite first. And thinking about all this right now, while he was looking at me with hawk's eyes, made me feel defeated.




"That's a WRAP," Philip basically shouted as he looked at the photo he just taken. We were finally done. For the last outfit, I wore a three-quarter black shirt with a white collar which was matched with a purple diamond-patterned skirt. I was also wearing knee-high white socks and a pair of black sneakers. I loved this outfit. It gave off a good school girl vibe. It was my style.

I stood up straight as I previously leaned against a wall for the photo. Mia was busy talking to Philip and so was Amanda. I looked around and saw Jayden heading towards me. Dang it!! I needed to avoid him. I cannot talk to him now because I knew the moment he would start talking I'll break into tears. I was not over him yet. Yet.

Thanks God - Mia's conversation with Philip was over, since she was now looking around, probably for me. "I'm right here," I said, holding her by the elbow and walking towards the door. More like escaping through the door.

"What is wrong with you girl??" asked Mia.

"Nothing, I just can't stand this place. Too crowded," I replied, which was a part of the truth. Just not the main part.

"Okay, I gotta go call one of the girls for dress up and make-up. You know the way right?? It's just the far end of the hallway."

"Yeah, I do." And with that, I basically ran off towards the last room in the hallway."

"Are you finally done, Lauren??" asked Stacie as she painted Alice's nails.

"Yup," I said as I entered the undressing room. I know, sounds really weird but in this place, everything had a specific place. I picked my original clothes from the basket. I put on my jeans first, then my sleeveless yellow shirt. I changed my shoes and in a minute, I was back to normal. At least my clothes were.

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