Ch.32 Finding Lauren

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(A/N: This is kinda a filler chapter, (I'm sorry) but I just couldn't let it end happily ever after. Btw: This is not the last chapter).


I was in the kitchen, filling a cup with water to drink, when Lauren barged into the kitchen. She was dressed and had her shoes on, where was she going at such a late hour?? 

"Call if I don't come back in an hour. ONE HOUR. Don't call before that."

 Her voice had an angry undertone to it. Lauren was furious. Really furious. At the same time, she was in such a hurry I really thought something was wrong.

"Lauren, where are you going??"

"I'm going to find what I lost."

And then she left. She literally just left. Find what she lost?? Really? Was this a movie?? I didn't know what she meant by the last sentence, yet, I knew one thing: something was definitely wrong.

I grabbed the phone from the kitchen counter and dialed Angela. 


"Umm.....Hey Angela. It's Lisa."

"HEYYYYY!!!! It's been a long time."

"Yeah, two days is such a long time. Look, I'm in a kind of a hurry so let me just go for it. Are you and Lauren cool??"

"Yeah, we're the cool kids."

"No, I mean like, are you two fighting??"

"What?? No! Lisa, is everything alright??"

"Lauren just left the house because she wanted to 'find what she lost'."

"She left?? At this time??"

"Yeah, I thought maybe it was something between you two. You two were the last to speak together. The phone call, I mean."

"No, that was about a restaurant. But Lauren leaving?? That's SO unlike her."

"I know."

"Okay, look. I'm at the restaurant now, but I'm going to pay and come to your house. We have to look for her. It's dark and late."

"Thanks Angela."

"Anytime, Lizzy."

"Shut up. Bye."


I ended the phone call, placed the phone on the counter, then headed upstairs. I entered Lauren's room to find Christina and Dani on the floor. Christina had her head in her hands and Dani was just staring at nothing. Something was wrong, then.

"Guys, what's wrong??"

Christina looked up and Dani snapped out of her daydream. Dani was the one to speak up.

"Lauren left."

"Yeah, I know. Do you guys know why she left??"

"Jayden came back."


"He came back and Christina asked him to leave."

"He came back to our house?? To California??"

Christina nodded and began to cry.

"Lauren found out that I asked him to leave and she got really mad. I was doing it for her, I swear."

"It's okay, Christina."

"No, it's not. It's all Dani's fault. She insisted I should tell Lauren and Lauren heard us."

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