Ch.11 The Confrontation

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Jayden's POV:

I unlocked the front door with my keys then slid quietly inside. I didn't want to wake Mia up. 

"Well, well....." Mia said through the darkness. I nearly got out of my skin out of sheer surprise. She was trying (and succeeding) to sound like a villain from some cliché Disney movie. She was a pro at doing everything related to Disney.

"Mia can you please put your Cinderella-you're-back-after-twelve-even-though-I-kicked-you-out-in-the-first-place act down please?? I'm not up for your crap."

She narrowed her eyes at me and then said as a matter of fact: " I've haven't  seen you laugh that hard since the accident." Her eyes saddened at the mention of the accident, and so did mine.

"It was just really funny. Nothing has looked or sounded that funny since then."

Her face suddenly turned mischievous and she said: "Was it funny or was it Lauren??" She raised an eyebrow and waited for an answer. She talked about 'funny' like it was a person. This girl....

"It was funny."

"Yeah, I know it was funny, but was it funny because it was Funny  or was it funny because of Lauren??? I mean, you've got me around all day and I have to admit that I'm pretty funny, but you never laugh at my jokes like that."

"How did you even manage to come up with that sentence??"

"You still didn't answer my question. Are you stalling??"

"No, I'm not." I really didn't know what to say. It was true, I don't laugh like that. Not anymore. But it was something about the way Lauren smiled that made me feel.....lighter. When she laughed, it was like all the chains that ever held me back were broken. Like I was free.

"Oh I know," she said suddenly, snapping me out of my deep thoughts. Her facial expression told me I did not want to know what was coming next. "You like her."

My breath was caught in my throat and I looked at her like she just found out I murdered someone. "It's not true."

"Come on Jay, we both know it is."

I flinched at the nickname, then I stared at her, preparing myself for what was to come. I had a feeling it was going to be worse.

"Why don't you ask her out on a date??"

I froze at that last sentence. My whole body grew rigid and I just couldn't hear  anymore nonsense. Did I like Lauren?? I don't know, but I've known her for how long?? 2-3 days?? I don't even know her middle name or her birthday yet. Not even her favorite color.

"Come on, you and her. If you find it too awkward I'll just 'accidentally' bump into you at the restaurant. Nothing to lose, you'll just get to know each other. Whaddaya think??"

I wanted to agree. I needed to figure what was it about Lauren that made me happy. I needed to sort out my feelings toward her. The other part of me, however, wanted to disagree. And why?? For the most childish reason to ever exist. I did not want to prove my sister right. I did not want to follow her Cinderell/stepmother act, and so I said: "I'll think about it." And that's how you deal with your problems, old fellas. That's how you get a win-win situation.

"Off course you will." She smiled at me teasingly. She will never admit she's wrong. Though she's actually never wrong. "Oh and by the way...."

"Mia, I'm really tired right now, can we please talk about this later??"

"Yeah, sure. Nighty night then."

"Good night, Mia."

I went upstairs to my bedroom, I honestly loved this place. I was really exhausted from all the laughing, let alone the night out. I changed into my 'pajamas', which only consisted of boxers. I don't really like the idea of pajamas.

You know when you're really tired and you're craving sleep and then your mind is just like: "Good morning body , let's talk about some stuff." And then you can't stop thinking about the stuff your brain wants you to think about?? Well, yeah, it happened to me that night.

I couldn't stop thinking about Lauren. Her laugh, her smile, her tears that ran so smoothly on her face when she told her parents goodbye. How after I helped her up, her beanie was messed up from the fall, but I was too busy laughing at her to actually tell her. It was the little things, that kept me awake that night.

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